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WebSphere vs. .NET: IBM and Microsoft Go Head to Head
After carrying out a number of benchmarks, Microsoft concluded that .NET offers better performance and cost-performance ratio than WebSphere. IBM rebutted Microsoft’s findings and carried out other tests proving that WebSphere is superior to .NET. Microsoft responded by rejecting some of IBM’s claims as false and repeating the tests on different hardware with different results.
Expression as a Compiler
The ability to dynamically generate code can greatly increase the expressiveness of developers. Repetitive code can be eliminated and complex decisions be pushed back to configuration files that can be changed by business analysts. In the past .NET developers built dynamic code using Reflection.Emit or CodeDom, but with LINQ Expressions a lightweight alternative has become available.
SQL Server Reporting Services and Working with Overlay Data
In this article, Grzegorz Gogolowicz and Trent Swanson tackle the problem of generating reports in SQL Server Reporting Services when the source is scanned images and other supplied formats yet a fixed layout report or pixel perfect report is the desired outcome.
Grid Computing on the Azure Cloud Computing Platform, Part 3: Running a Grid Application
In Part 1 of this series we introduced a design pattern for grid computing on Azure, while in Part 2 we developed a grid application in C#. This time we'll run the application, first locally and then in the cloud. In order to do that, we'll need some help from a grid computing framework.
Talking RubyMine with JetBrains Developer Dmitry Jemerov
One of the more interesting announcements recently coming to the Ruby community was the release of JetBrains RubyMine IDE for Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications. The Ruby community is known for not typically using an integrated development environment (IDE) such as .NET or Java developers use. Ruby developers usually stick to plain text editors such as TextMate, Vim and Emacs.
Virtual Panel on Cloud Computing
In this virtual panel, InfoQ wants to find out from leading cloud experts what are the benefits brought by cloud computing as well as the constraints in using them, what is better to use, a public or a private cloud, is the cloud interoperability needed, what is the difference between providing infrastructure or a platform, and how can a client enforce regulatory compliance.
Grid Computing on the Azure Cloud Computing Platform, Part 2: Developing a Grid Application
David Pallmann shows how to perform grid computations on the Azure cloud computing platform. In Part 1 he presented a design pattern, while in Part 2&3 he shows how to develop&run a grid application.
Virtual Panel: Evolution of JavaScript Frameworks for HTML 5
In this virtual panel the creators and core developers of Dojo, YUI, Prototype,, MooTools and GWT talk about the evolution of JavaScript for the new API's that are exposed with HTML 5. These API's deal with 2D drawing, drag & drop, history, media, client-side persistent storage, server-sent events and more.
Grid Computing on the Azure Cloud Computing Platform, Part 1
In this 3-parts series of articles, David Pallmann explains how to perform grid computations on the Azure cloud computing platform. In Part 1 he presents a design pattern for using Azure for grid computing, while in Part 2 and 3 he is going to give a concrete code example.
Using SketchFlow to Create Better Prototypes
All good developers use some kind of prototyping as a communication channel to customers. Simon Guest of Microsoft introduces a new technology from Microsoft, SketchFlow, and shows how it could be useful to developers as well as the primary audience of designers. The discussion covers coverage (WPF and Silverlight), functionality, workflow, prototyping, and documentation.
Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2009
This article presents the main takeway points as seen by the many attendees who blogged about QCon. Comments are organized by tracks and sessions: Keynotes, Interviews, Tutorials, Web as a Platform, Emerging languages in the enterprise, Real World SOA, Systems that never stop, Architectures in Financial Applications, Agile Organisational patterns, Historically bad ideas, Java.Next and many more!
A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture
In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.