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  • Introducing Prefix and Retrace : Interview with Stackify's Founder Matt Watson

    Stackify was founded in 2012, making it a relatively new player in the field of Application Performance Management (APM) and code profilers. InfoQ reached out to Matt Watson, founder and CEO of Stackify, to learn more about its products Prefix and Retrace.

  • Virtual Panel: What's Next for .NET?

    A lot happened in the last year in the .NET ecosystem. Putting aside the details, the bigger picture is difficult to grasp. There is movement in all aspects: cross-platform, cloud, mobile, web apps and universal apps. Developers wonder where all of this is going to lead and what will be required to get there.

  • Interview with Entity Modelling Tool Creator, Frans Bouma

    Our first .NET interview of the year is with Frans Bouma of the entity modeling tool LLBLGen Pro. This tool has been around for almost as long as .NET itself, but being a commercial product it isn’t as well-known as the free alternatives.

  • Creating an HTML UI for Desktop .NET Applications

    Developers are looking for ways to employ the richness of the Web UI in desktop applications. The common approach is to embed a browser component to render the HTML UI within the desktop app.

  • Advanced Use Cases for the Repository Pattern in .NET

    In our previous article, we looked at the basic patterns needed to implement a repository. In many cases these patterns were such a thin layer around the underlying data access technology they were essentially unnecessary. However, once you have a repository in place, many new opportunities become available.

  • Implementation Strategies for the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework, Dapper, and Chain

    This article will focus on the basic functionality that one would find in a typical repository created with .NET. We’ll look at both general functionality and how that functionality would be implemented using three different styles of ORM: Entity Framework, Dapper, and Tortuga Chain.

  • On Abstractions and For-Each Performance in C#

    Donald Knuth famously said, “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time”. But when faced with the other 3%, it is good to know what’s going on behind the scenes. So in this article we’ll be taking a dive into the foreach loop.

  • Designing with Exceptions in .NET

    Exceptions are an integral part of working with .NET, but far too many developers don’t think about them from an API design perspective. Most of their work begins and ends with knowing which exceptions they need to catch and which should be allowed to hit the global logger. You can significantly reduce the time it takes to correct bugs if you design the API to use exceptions correctly.

  • Introduction to SQL Server Containers

    Containers are just around the corner for the Windows community, and this article takes a closer look at using SQL Server containers. The author discusses the value, use cases, and means for taking advantage of SQL Server containers today.

  • Getting Started with ASP.Net Performance Monitoring and Optimization

    “This web page is slow” is a common and regular complaint about web sites, especially since web applications started replacing desktop applications. While the web brings some desirable characteristics such as global delivery, it also brings its share of challenges at the performance level.

  • Creating RESTful Services with T4 Based on Model and Interfaces

    When generating RESTful services with WebAPI, a lot of boilerplate code has to be implemented. Amel Musić demonstrates how T4 and EnvDTE can be used to create a flexible code generator that dramatically reduces the amount of time and effort this takes.

  • Starcounter vs. ORM and DDD

    The so-called “object-relation impedance mismatch” has long been discussed in engineering circles. Most attempts at a solution rely try to mask the issue by pulling logic into the application tier. Kostiantyn Cherniavskyi looks at these issues and shows how many of them can be solved with hybrid databases such as Starcounter.