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Brian Rasmussen on Building Language Tools With Project Roslyn
Brian Rasmussen explains Project Roslyn: accessing information about a code base, creating static analysis tools, building REPLs and other scripting tools with Roslyn, VS integration and much more.
Philip Wadler on Functional Programming
Philip Wadler talks about the role of functional programming and some of the reasons for its slow rise in the past and its influence today. Also: lambda calculus, monads, continuations and much more.
Allen Wirfs-Brock on ECMAScript, Browsers and the Ambient Computing Era
Allen Wirfs-Brock talks about the ambient computng era and how the web and the browsers fit in this vision. He also shares his experiences from working on EcmaScript 5/6, and explains about the evolution of this spec.
IDE's and Developer tools, current state and future
Software developers spend a lot of their time working in an IDE or editor. JetBrains Tool Evangelist Hadi Hariri talking about expanding IDE offerings, Jetbrains Open-Source experiences and community contributions, Objective-C and dynamic language IDE's, tool integration and a sneak preview into the future of software development.
Bart De Smet on Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET and Javascript
Bart De Smet explains Reactive Extensions (Rx), a library for composing computations over asynchronous event streams of data for .NET and Javascript, the concepts and implementation of Rx and more.
Rob Pike on Google Go: Concurrency, Type System, Memory Management and GC
Rob Pike discusses Google Go: OOP programming without classes, Go interfaces, Concurrency with Goroutines and Channels, and the Go features that help keep GC pauses short.
Rob Pike on Parallelism and Concurrency in Programming Languages
Rob Pike discusses concurrency in programming languages: CSP, channels, the role of coroutines, Plan 9, MapReduce and Sawzall, processes vs threads in Unix, and more programming language history.
Dion Almaer on the State of HTML5 and Javascript
Dion Almaer discusses Javascript and DOM performance, the state of WebGL and Canvas, HTML5 security, and the role of native code in HTML/Javascript applications in general and on WebOS.
Cliff Click on Azul's Pauseless GC, Zing, JVM Languages
Cliff Click discusses the Pauseless GC algorithm and how Azul's Zing implements it on plain x86 CPUs. Also: what keeps dynamic languages slow on the JVM, invokedynamic, concurrency and much more.
Mik Kersten on the Role of Tasktop and Mylyn in Agile Development
Mik Kersten discusses the role of Mylyn and Tasktop in Agile development and how these tools return control to developers. Also: how Mylyn streamlines development in Eclipse.
Chris Houser Discusses Clojure
In this interview Ryan discusses Clojure with author Chris Houser. They cover Clojure's approach to classes, comparing and contrasting it with Java. Chris delves into they type of programming problem sets Clojure is best suited for, especially in relation to parallelism as the number of cores in computers increases and Clojure's applicability as or research language.
Martin Odersky on the Future of Scala
In this interview Martin Odersky, the creator of the Scala language talks about work on the next version of Scala and how the functionalities in the JVM help make Scala better. Odersky touches on how some of the most popular entities on the web, such as Twitter and LinkedIn use Scala. And he discusses the complexity of the language and its role as a functional and object-oriented language.