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Apache Kafka Event-streaming Platform for .NET Developers
Viktor Gamov reviews Kafka -internal architecture, fault-tolerance, message durability- and how the Confluent .NET client offers a framework for computation over streaming data.
F# Code I Love
Don Syme keynotes on examples of F# code he loves and why. He also touches language design, functional programming, object programming, language features and functional-first programming.
Improving Developer Productivity with Visual Studio Intellisense
Allison Buchholtz-Au and Shengyu Fu discuss how PM, engineering, and data science came together to build Visual Studio IntelliCode, which delivers context-aware code completion suggestions.
F# Code I Love
Don Syme discusses examples of F# code, showing how it relates to language design, functional programming, object programming, and language features, both as an individual and in teams.
Re-Platforming Legacy .NET Applications to PCF Using Modernized Techniques
Alfus Jaganathan, Poornima Varadhan discuss strategies, frameworks, libraries, tools and techniques applied to re-platform legacy .NET applications with a 12/15 factors, using modernized techniques.
Enabling .NET Apps with Monitoring and Management Using Steeltoe
Dave Tillman discusses using the Steeltoe Management frameworks to enable a .NET application with performance monitoring, management diagnostic endpoints, and distributed tracing on PCF.
New Capabilities and Product Strategy for .NET on PCF
Allan William Martin discusses the current status of .NET on PCF and some of the PCF main features supporting .NET applications.
Developing Great Web APIs Architectures w/ ASP.NET Core 2.1
Chris Woodruff talks about developing and integrating web APIs with ASP.NET Core and how to avoid some of the possible mistakes that can be done when developing a web API.
CLR/CoreCLR: How We Got Here & Where We're Going
Mei-Chin Tsai and Jared Parsons talk about the work the CLR/CoreCLR team has been doing to move .NET development forward and what the future looks like for developers working with the CLR/CoreCLR.
.NET Core on a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker and OpenFaaS
John Callaway explores creating and deploying Python and C# serverless functions on a cluster of Raspberry Pi using the OpenFaas framework.
Unit Testing Strategies & Patterns in C#
Bill Dinger discusses design principles and ways to make C# code testable, as well as using testing tools such as Moq, Autofixture, & MsTest.
OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities & ASP.NET
Bill Dinger goes over the 2017 OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and how they apply to ASP.NET, including a demo of each vulnerability, the risk it poses, how to detect the attack, and how to mitigate it.