InfoQ Homepage Mobile Development Content on InfoQ
Introduction to Development on Android Devices
Muljadi Budiman introduces development for Android: setting up the emulator, using Eclipse, XML Layouts with typical controls, responding to events, device orientation, and sensors.
The State of Speech Recognition on Mobile
Simon MacDonald explains how to use speech recognition effectively on mobile platforms, covering the W3C Web Speech API specification and its current implementation status.
The State of Hybrid Mobile Development
TJ VanToll takes a look at where the hybrid ecosystem is today, and where it's heading, trying to evaluate if the ecosystem is growing or shrinking.
Resistance is Futile: You Will be Glass-imilated
Gabbie Gibson introduces Google Glass, how to use voice commands, touch gestures and its interface, and how to write Glassware apps that run on the device.
Hybrid vs. Native: Choosing a Mobile Strategy
Jeff French covers the pros and cons of native app development vs. HTML5 hybrid app development so one can make the right choice based on the needs of his app.
An Unseen Interface
Halle Winkler overviews the state of speech technology, examining the opportunities in usability and new forms of usage that become available with speech interfaces in mobile apps.
Creating Apps with 6-Year Old Girls (and their Dads)
Hannah Dee describes the 'Android Programming Family Fun Day', a one day AppInventor workshop introducing kids and their parents to mobile phone programming.
Our Experience with (And Without) PhoneGap Build
Burin Asavesna shares his team’s experience building applications with PhoneGap Build.
Sensors Aren't Enough
Mo Ramezanpoor discusses how two different activity tracking apps -"Zombies, Run!" and "The Walk"- have different approaches for tracking user activity.
The State of Mobile HTML5
Tomomi Imura takes a look at the current state of HTML5 and how it supports mobile web development, comparing to where it was a year ago.
Introduction to Xamarin Cross-platform Development
Grant Davies introduces Xamarin and demos creating a cross-platform mobile application.
Building Connected Android Apps with Azure
Chris Risner demos an Android app built with Azure Mobile Services using structured data stored in the cloud, GCM push notifications with a single line of code, authentication, security and others.