InfoQ Homepage Model Driven Development Content on InfoQ
10 Years Experience with Agile and Model Driven Software Development
Chung-Yeung Pang shares from his experience applying MDD and Agile to various projects.
Modeling on the Web
Pedro Molina presents the challenges, benefits and limitations creating a cloud-based DSL tool. A demo of such a tool is included.
Model-driven Development in the Context of Technical SOA
Michael Rauch and Christoph Gutmann explain how Eclipse Modeling technology is successfully applied to establish forward engineering in the domain of technical SOA.
What's Needed to Make 'Model-Driven' Mainstream?
Jürgen Mutschall ponders what is to be done to make MDSD a mandatory development methodology for every large scale project.
Why MDA Fails: Analysis of Unsuccessful Cases
Darius Silingas reviews multiple real-world MDA cases by presenting the problems faced, analyzing what went wrong, and suggesting how to address similar issues in your projects and organizations.
How to Get Your Boss to Approve MDD
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen provides advice and information useful for convincing colleagues and managers why MDD is worth using for development.
Assessing and Improving Model Quality
Darius Silingas emphasized the need for quality models in MDD, presenting a number of anti-patterns along with best practices for creating them.
Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 2
Steven Kelly and Risto Pohjonen continue their hands-on session developing apps with MetaEdit+. (see: Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 1)
Moving From Coding To Model-Driven Development: Hands-On with MetaEdit+, Part 1
Risto Pohjonen and Steven Kelly conduct a hands-on session using MetaEdit+ to create several graphic DSLs.
What‘s Your Silver Bullet?
Marina Haase runs a highly participatory session collecting and analyzing ideas meant to help understand how MDSD works, and to uncover new techniques and tools.
Model-driven Systems: What, Why and How to Test
Tim Trew presents several model-driven software development scenarios along with suitable testing approaches, contrasting the roles of MDSD and model-based testing.
Acceleo: And You Thought You Knew Template-based Generators?
Stéphane Bégaudeau discusses Acceleo, an open source code generator based on EMF and MOFM2T, presenting its basic concepts, how it was created, how it can be improved, deployed, and used.