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  • Weaveworks Adds Release Automation and Incident Management to Weave Cloud Continuous Delivery SaaS

    Weaveworks has released new features for the Weave Cloud SaaS platform that aims to simplify deployment, monitoring and management for containers and microservices, including: incident management with historical audit, instant query, and customisable analytics and dashboards; release automation and point-in-time rollback for continuous delivery pipelines; and advanced Kubernetes troubleshooting.

  • DigitalOcean Adds Monitoring and Alerting Features

    Cloud infrastructure provider DigitalOcean recently released capabilities for monitoring servers and sending alerts. While not novel, this free feature is indicative of growing industry attention paid to server and application insight.

  • Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices: Sarah Wells at QCon London

    At QCon London, Sarah Wells presented “Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices”, and cautioned that developers and operators must fundamentally change the way they think about monitoring when building a microservice system. Key takeaways included: build a system that can be supported; focus on ‘stuff that matters’ when creating monitoring and alerts; and cultivate and improve alerts.

  • Jay Simons on Acquisition of Trello

    As announced by Atlassian, a solutions provider for team collaboration and productivity, on January 9th, 2017, the company has reached an agreement to acquire Trello, a visualization tool that makes use of boards to help teams and people manage their projects and tasks.

  • The Future of Microservices: Functional Service Design and Observability

    In preparation for the upcoming microXchg conference, running 16th and 17th February in Berlin, InfoQ sat down with Uwe Friedrichsen and Adrian Cole and discussed functional service design, the new challenges with observing a distributed system, and what the future holds for the microservice architectural style.

  • Offers Machine Learning Based Log Analysis offers a hosted service which performs intelligent log analysis by using machine learning to derive insights from human interactions with log data that includes discussions on tech forums and public code repositories.

  • Honeycomb - A Tool for Debugging Complex Systems

    Honeycomb is a tool for observing and correlating events in distributed systems. It provides a different approach from existing tools like Zipkin in that it moves away from the single-request-tracing model to a more free-form model of collecting and querying data across layers and dimensions.

  • Chaos Monkey 2.0 Runs via Spinnaker

    Netflix has recently made available the source code of the Chaos Monkey 2.0. The latest iteration of the resilience tool is fully integrated with Spinnaker and event tracking systems, but the SSH support has been removed.

  • Continuous Deployment at Coolblue

    Continuous deployment results in a higher sense of responsibility and better quality of deployments, argues Paul de Raaij, technical pathfinder at Coolblue. Coding standards prevent your code base from becoming a mess, automated inspections are great for tedious and boring checks, and manual checks are great for checking if the logic or use of code actually makes sense.

  • Monitoring Metrics for Docker Containers

    Stefan Thies, DevOps Evangelist at Sematext, in a recent post discusses ten important container monitoring metrics and their implications on operating Docker containers, specifically when running many containers per host. Combined in a single correlated view these metrics provide a starting point for monitoring Docker-based environments.

  • Exploring Performance Counters with F# WMI Type Provider

    Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a primary source of data when monitoring Windows systems. Given that the performance counters available vary from machine to machine, a tool is needed to list all counters available. The WMI type provider is one possible option to explore WMI performance counters.

  • Tomas Rybing Introduces the Shooting Target - Value Kanban Board

    This post describes the applications of the shooting target in kanban board introduced by Tomas Rybing.

  • Adrian Cockcroft on Analyzing Response Time Distributions for Microservices

    At the microXchg conference, held in Berlin, Adrian Cockcroft presented “Analyzing Response Time Distributions for Microservices”. Cockcroft demonstrated how the combination of his Spigo microservice architecture simulation tool and the online Guesstimate Monte Carlo method tool can be used to visualise and experimentally simulate request response times within a complicated microservice system.

  • Don't Optimize Team-level Performance

    Klaus Leopold gave a talk at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference in which he elaborated why focusing on team-level performance often leads to local suboptimalization and doesn't increase agility across the team. InfoQ interviewed him about why installing agile frameworks does not help to increase agility, how kanban can be used to increase collaboration, and benefits that teams can get from kanban.

  • Microservices at Spotify

    Kevin Goldsmith talked about how Spotify uses microservices to break down architectures and be innovative at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. He argues that Microservices are easier to test, deploy and monitor than monolithic applications. Spotify also aims to have as few as possible dependencies in their product, and microservices are very helpful for that.