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Java News Roundup: Spring Framework 6.1, Spring Data 2023.1, Payara Platform, JEPs for JDK 22
This week's Java roundup for November 13th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, and monthly, milestone and point releases of: Spring Framework; Spring Data; Payara Platform; Open Liberty; Micronaut; Grails; Quarkus; Tomcat; Apache Camel; Vert.x; Mojarra; Micrometer Metrics and Tracing; Project Reactor; Piranha; JDKMon; JobRunr; JHipster Lite; Testcontainers for Java; Arquillian; and Gradle.
Grafana Cloud Kubernetes Monitoring with Machine Learning Predictions
Managing cloud costs can be challenging as Kubernetes fleets scale. To address this issue, Grafana Cloud has introduced a cost-monitoring feature within Kubernetes Monitoring. In particular, Grafana Cloud’s Kubernetes Monitoring now offers ML predictions for CPU and memory usage.
eBPF Kubernetes Security Tool Tetragon Improves Performance and Stability
Isovalent has announced the 1.0 release of Cilium Tetragon, their eBPF-based Kubernetes security observability and runtime enforcement tool. Policies and filters can be applied directly via eBPF to monitor process execution, privilege escalations, and file and network activity.
CloudWatch Introduces Best Practice Alarm Recommendations for 19 AWS Services
AWS has recently introduced "out-of-the-box" best practice alarm recommendations for Amazon CloudWatch. This new option is designed to improve observability on the AWS platform, allowing users to easily add alarms from the console and download templates for CloudFormation, Terraform, and the CLI.
Monzo Employs Targeted Traffic Shedding against Stampeding Herd Effect from the Mobile App
Monzo developed a solution for shedding traffic in case its platform comes under intense and unexpected load that could lead to an outage. Traffic spikes can be generated by the mobile app and triggered by push notifications or other bursts in user activity. The solution can reduce the read traffic by almost 50% with 90% overall accuracy without noticeable customer impact.
Contentsquare Uses Microservices and Apache Kafka for Notification Delivery
Contentsquare needed notification functionality for many use cases within its platform. The company created a generic solution spanning multiple services as part of its microservice architecture. During the implementation, the developers had to improve observability and overcome some scalability challenges.
Java News Roundup: Foreign Function & Memory API, OpenJDK JEPs, Apache Tomcat CVEs
This week's Java roundup for October 9th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, Apache Tomcat CVEs, Devoxx Morocco, and milestone, point and release candidates of: Spring Framework; Spring Data; Micronaut; Quarkus; Micrometer Metrics; Micrometer Tracing; Apache Kafka; Apache Camel; Eclipse Vert.x; Project Reactor; JHipster Lite; Piranha; and RefactorFirst.
Grafana Introduces ML Tool Sift to Improve Incident Response
Grafana Labs has introduced "Sift," a feature for Grafana Cloud designed to enhance incident response management (IRM) by automating system checks and expediting issue resolution. Sift automates various aspects of incident investigation. Sift provides valuable insights into potential issues within Kubernetes environments, helping engineers focus on resolving incidents.
Java News Roundup: JCP 25th Anniversary, Foreign Function & Memory API, Eclipse Epicyro
This week's Java roundup for September 11th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JCP, JDK 22, JDK 21, Payara Platform, Eclipse Epicyro, Grails Plugin Portal and milestone and point releases for: Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Tools, Quarkus, Micronaut, Helidon, MicroProfile Telemetry, Groovy, Camel Quarkus, Micrometer Metrics and Tracing, Piranha, JobRunr, JHipster Lite and Project Reactor.
Grafana Beyla Provides Auto-Instrumented Observability through eBPF
Grafana has released Grafana Beyla, an open-source eBPF auto-instrumentation tool for application observability. Beyla is able to report span information and RED metrics (Rate-Errors-Duration) for both Linux HTTP/S and gRPC services. This is accomplished without having to make code modifications for inserting probes.
OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) 1.0.0 Released
Recently, the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) 1.0.0 was released. OLTP specification describes telemetry data's encoding, transport, and delivery mechanism between telemetry sources, intermediate nodes such as collectors, and telemetry backends. It is a general-purpose telemetry data delivery protocol designed in the scope of the OpenTelemetry project.
Java News Roundup: Micronaut 4.0, Payara Platform, Spring Web Flow 3.0, JetBrains AI Assistant
This week's Java roundup for July 10th, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, Spring Web Flow 3.0, Micronaut 4.0, Payara Platform, point and milestone releases of: Spring projects, Open Liberty, Helidon, Hibernate Reactive, Tomcat, Micrometer Metrics and Tracing, Piranha, Project Reactor, JHipster, JHipster Lite, Yupiik Fusion, Maven and Gradle; and AI Assistant in JetBrains IDEs.
Amazon Introduces Live Tail in CloudWatch Logs for Real-Time Exploration of Logs
Amazon recently announced CloudWatch Logs Live Tail, an option to analyze logs in near real-time. Currently only available in the AWS console, the interactive log analytics feature helps developers detect and debug application anomalies.
Slack Leverages Bespoke Tracing Architecture for Message Notifications
Slack leveraged its bespoke tracing architecture to help with investigating notification-delivery issues. Tracing helped resolve notification issues 30% faster and reduced escalations to the development team. It also simplified the analytics pipeline and unlocked new use cases for the data science team.
Java News Roundup: GraalVM 23.0.0, Payara Platform, Spring 6.1-M1, QCon New York
This week's Java roundup for June 12th, 2023 features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM 23, various releases of: GraalVM Build Tools, Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Shell, Payara Platform, Micronaut, Open Liberty, Quarkus, Micrometer, Hibernate ORM and Reactive, Project Reactor, Piranha, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, JDKMon, JBang, JHipster, Yupiik Bundlebee; and QCon New York 2023.