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Beyond the Database, and beyond the Stream Processor: What's the Next Step for Data Management?
Databases have been around forever with the same shape: you make a request to your data and then you receive an answer. Now, stream processors came along with a different approach: data isn’t locked up, it is in motion. Understand how stream processors and databases relate and why there is an emerging new category of databases that focus on data that stays in place as well as data that moves.
Book Review: Developer, Advocate!
Developer, Advocate! is a set of interviews with prominent technologists, covering what drives their interest and enthusiasm in the industry. The brevity of each interview provides direct information and insight that can be read separately at any time, in any order, enabling those with busy schedules to read, put down, and repeat.
Philip Rathle on Neo4j 2.3 Graph Database Features and openCypher Initiative
Neo Technology, the company behind the graph NoSQL database Neo4j, recently released version 2.3 of the database. They also announced openCypher initiative to help with creating a standard graph query language. InfoQ spoke with Philip Rathle, VP of Products at Neo Technology, about the new features in the latest release of Neo4j and openCypher announcement.
Let Me Graph That For You
In this article on Graph Databases, author Ian Robinson discusses the problems Graph DBs aim to solve. He also talks about the data, storage, and query models for managing variably structured, densely connected data.
Virtual Panel: Security Considerations in Accessing NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases offer alternative data storage options for storing unstructured data compared to traditional relational databases. Though the NoSQL databases have been getting a lot of attention lately, the security aspects of storing and accessing NoSQL data haven't been given much emphasis. This article focuses on the security considerations and best practices in accessing the NoSQL databases.