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  • F# 4.6 Released with Anonymous Records, Improved Performance

    The most significant change in F# 4.6, now available with .NET Core 2.2, is the introduction of anonymous record types, which simplify the use of records in a number of contexts. Additionally, the F# compiler chain in Visual Studio 2019 has improved performance for medium-to-large size projects in several areas.

  • ImageSharp: Funding an Open Source Project

    Recently ImageSharp decided to change their license from Apache to the AGPLv3/Commercial dual license model. The new license will be effective as of release candidate 1, which is expected in Q1 of 2019. In this report we look at the history ImageSharp and reason for the change.

  • Visual Basic’s File IO Added to .NET Core

    Visual Basic’s File IO library is being ported to .NET Core 3.0. This includes convenience functions such as the ability to copy or delete a directory with one function call, support for the Windows recycle bin (without p/invoke code), and an RFC compliant CSV parser that can also handle fixed-width files.

  • Update on IAsyncDisposable and IAsyncEnumerator

    Since InfoQ last covered the async streams proposal, some changes have been made to the design. Most notably is the use of the lightweight ValueTask object.

  • System.Collections in .NET Core 3.0

    If you look through the list of issues tagged for System.Collections in .NET 3.0, you’ll find both proposals that were accepted and rejected. In this report we’ll cover some of the highlights.

  • The Pure Attribute in .NET Core

    The Pure attribute was added to .NET in version 4 as part of the Code Contracts initiative to help developers distinguish between code that free from side effects from other code. While the Code Contracts project is over, the Pure attribute continues to see life in .NET Core.

  • SQL Server and .NET Core 3.0

    In our last article we looked at System.Data in .NET Core 3.0. Now we turn our attention to System.Data.SqlClient, which is the SQL Server driver.

  • System.Data in .NET Core 3.0

    While it doesn’t get a lot of attention, System.Data is crucial for any sort of relational database access in .NET. Also known as ADO.NET in honor of its predecessor, ActiveX Data Objects, System.Data provides a generic framework upon which .NET database drivers can be built. It won’t see a lot of changes in .NET Core 3.0, but for the first time in years we see new methods in a foundational class.

  • ASP.NET Core 3.0 Projects Go on a Diet

    Microsoft.AspNetCore.App, the primary dependency for more ASP.NET Core projects, has 150 explicitly listed dependencies. In order to improve long-term supportability, over 30 of these will be dropped in ASP.NET Core 3.0.

  • Partial Support for Spatial Queries in EF Core 2.2

    Entity Framework Core 2.2 adds support for spatial queries using the NetTopologySuite.

  • First Look at .NET Core 3.0: C# 8, WPF, Windows Forms, and More

    The next major version of .NET Core has recently entered Preview stage. .NET Core 3.0 will include support for building desktop apps using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms (WinForms), Entity Framework (EF), ASP.NET Core 3.0, C# 8, and .NET Standard 2.1.

  • First Look at Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1

    Microsoft announced the release of Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 at the Connect 2018 event. This preview highlights many changes, from the IDE's startup, to code refactoring functionality, and greater use of search functions to better navigate large source trees.

  • Microsoft Open Sources WPF, WinForms, and WinUI

    Today at Microsoft Connect 2018, the company announced the first preview of .NET Core 3.0. Contained within that is a bigger announcement: the company is releasing WPF, Windows Forms (WinForms), and WinUI as open source projects on GitHub with a MIT license.

  • Visual Studio 2017 15.9 Debuts

    As Microsoft looks ahead to VS2019, the company hasn't forgotten VS2017. The ninth update brings a bevy of bug fixes and adds a new features and language conformance for C++ developers. Some tweaks for .NET Core SDK behavior have been to simplify versioning.

  • ASP.NET SignalR 2.4 to Add Azure Support

    For the past couple of years, Microsoft has been developing two forms of the SignalR – the original ASP.NET SignalR library and the newer ASP.NET Core SignalR. This fall will see the last major update to the legacy ASP.NET SignalR library.