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  • F# 2017 Retrospective

    During 2017 F# reached version 4.1 and grew its user community, mostly in coincidence with the release of .NET Core 2.0, while getting stronger tooling and wider conference presence, writes Microsoft program manager Phillip Carter.

  • Easing into .NET Core with the Windows Compatibility Pack

    Microsoft is making it easier to migrate applications onto .NET Core and Linux with the Windows Compatibility Pack for .NET Core.

  • .NET WebAssembly Support an Ongoing Experiment

    WebAssembly now ships on by default in the four major browsers and the .NET community continues to push forward to provide .NET developers the ability to compile their to WebAssembly and run it in the browser.

  • ORMs for .NET Core

    With EF Core struggling to accommodate basic database features such as views and stored procedures, developers are looking elsewhere for their data access needs. Here are some of the more popular options.

  • Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview Adds F# Core & Standard Support

    Microsoft has supported F# since .NET Core 1.0 was released, but tooling availability has varied in comparison to fellow .NET Core languages C# and VB.NET. With the release of Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 4, F# projects can now target .NET Core and .NET Standard.

  • Microsoft Previews Cross Platform Tool for Working with SQL Server

    Microsoft has released a public preview of SQL Operations Studio, a cross platform tool for working with SQL Server. This product is based on the existing Visual Studio Code editor and uses the SQL Tools API service under the hood.

  • ASP.NET Core and F# with Giraffe

    Giraffe is an F# micro web framework for building web applications. It sits on ASP.NET Core, providing an F# API to the web framework. Giraffe is intended for developers who want to build web applications in F# while retaining access to the features of ASP.NET Core and its ecosystem.

  • .NET Core and .NET Standard: What Is the Difference?

    .NET Standard is an API specification that defines what Base Class Libraries must be implemented. .NET Core is a managed framework optimized for building console, cloud, ASP.NET Core, and UWP applications. Each managed implementation (such as Xamarin, .NET Core, or the .NET Framework) must implement their BCL according the .NET Standard.

  • Microsoft .NET Architecture Guidance Released

    Four application architecture guides are available from Microsoft's Developer Division and the Visual Studio product teams. This guidance covers four areas: Microservices, Docker, Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Azure, and Enterprise Applications Using Xamarin Forms. Each guidance is contained in an eBook. There are two end-to-end reference applications that the guides use as examples.

  • .NET Core 2 Brings Visual Basic to Linux and macOS

    Microsoft has moved closer towards bringing Visual Basic into place as a first-class citizen on the .NET Core platform. As part of the .NET Core 2 release, VB developers can now write code that targets .NET Standard 2.0, increasing the deployment platforms available. Importantly, this means the same executable or library that runs on Windows can work on macOS and Linux.

  • Breaking Changes in EF Core 2.0

    EF Core brings with it many breaking changes, including rendering all of the database providers for EF Core 1.0/1.1 unusable in EF Core 2.0.

  • Entity Framework Core 2.0 Released to Heavy Criticism

    Entity Framework has always had a mixed reputation, with some developers loving it while other compared it unfavorably to NHiberante, LINQ-to-SQL, and the various micro-ORMs. But the early impressions of EF Core have been particularly bad and continue to frustrate even those who appreciated the original Entity Framework.

  • Visual Studio 2017 15.3 Released, Adds .NET Core 2 Support

    Microsoft has released production ready Visual Studio 2017 15.3 and it is packed with features that include frontline support for .NET Core 2. Several stability and performance fixes, and increased accessibility support are among several new additions.

  • .NET Standard 2.0 Has Been Finalized

    Microsoft has announced the final version of .NET Standard 2.0 which includes over 32k APIs, a 140% increase over .NET Standard 1.6 and 400% compared to .NET Standard 1.0.

  • Profile Guided Optimization Comes to .NET Core

    Profile Guided Optimization is a native compilation technology that has long been available to native code developers (i.e. Visual C++). Microsoft has announced that this technology is now available for .NET Core developers on Windows x86/x64 and Linux x64.