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InfoQ Homepage .NET Core Content on InfoQ

  • How Microsoft Uses the .NET Core SDK Telemetry

    The .NET Core SDK collects various data points from the developers who use it. This is a voluntary disclosure (albeit via an opt-out procedure) but Microsoft has not previously shared details on the collected information. That information is now available and presents interesting insights into how the tools are used.

  • .NET Core 2.0 Preview 2 Brings Refinements for Developers

    Microsoft has released the second preview of .NET Core 2.0. Several changes have been made to increase ease-of-use for developers, but what may be most important is the ability to reference .NET Framework libraries from .NET Core code. Joining these improvements are bug fixes and several additions to its WCF support.

  • ASP.NET Core 2 Preview Released

    Joining the release of .NET Core 2 Preview, the ASP.NET Core 2 preview has been released. Version 2 will adhere to .NET Standard 2.0, making it eagerly awaited by .NET developers.

  • Building an F# Web Server with Freya

    Freya is an F# web framework focusing on HTTP primitives and concurency. It doesn't include interface constructs such as templating. Marcus Griep presented Freya at F# eXchange 2017, where he explained its core model. He also showed the different mechanisms available for performance and concurrency, such as Hopac and Kestrel integrations.

  • What ASP.NET Core May Bring to the .NET Framework’s String Handling

    In what was apparently a major miscommunication among Microsoft’s developers and managers, ASP.NET Core 2.0 will in fact be supported on the full the .NET Framework. The change to only offer ASP.NET Core on .NET Core was supposed to be a temporary step to ease development.

  • ASP.NET Core Drops Support for .NET Framework

    Last Friday, ASP.NET Core quietly switched to only supporting .NET Core 2.0. This means that ASP.NET Core 1.0/1.1 applications running Mono or the full .NET Framework will not be upgradable to ASP.NET Core 2.0 when it is released in 2-3 months. Seen as a major breaking change to the platform without a public discussion or formal announcement, this has angered many prominent developers.

  • .NET Core Tools 1.0 Released with Full C# Support

    The .NET Core Tools has produced its first 1.0 release. Focused on C#, the tools provide .NET Core developers easy-to-build applications for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. While their release coincides with the launch of Visual Studio 2017, this is a multiplatform toolset supporting Windows, Linux, and Mac OS systems.

  • Microsoft Makes it Easy to Create JavaScript Web Apps with New Tool

    Microsoft's new dotnet new tool provides JavaScript developers an easy way to spin up Single Page Applications using ASP.NET and Node.js.

  • Rider EAP17 Brings Improvements, But Loses .NET Core Debugging

    The latest release of JetBrains' Rider IDE for .NET brings some new features in its latest preview build, but licensing issues are preventing it from providing complete .NET Core support.

  • What's New in .NET Core Tools

    The release of the latest Visual Studio 2017 RC joined an update to the .NET Core tooling. This brings several improvements, including changes to templating and many needed bug fixes.

  • Introducing Portable PDB

    Microsoft has taken the need to create a cross-platform PDB library as a reason to completely revamp the format. The new Portable PDB format is open source, documented, and significantly more compact. But the new format also brings with it new limitations, especially regarding legacy code.

  • Visual Studio 2017 RC3 Adds .NET Core, Delays Python Support

    Microsoft has released their third Release Candidate of Visual Studio 2017. Notable in this release is full support for .NET Core & ASP.NET Core while Python support is delayed. Several bug fixes have also been made as VS2017 nears full release.

  • Image Libraries for .NET Core

    .NET Core does not have image processing APIs as part of its standard libraries. The broader community has stepped in to provide several different options for developers to consider for use.

  • NET Core 2.0 Planned for Spring 2017

    Microsoft Project Manager Immo Landwerth has announced details for the forthcoming .NET Core 2 release, slated for Spring 2017.

  • .NET Core Tools Switch to MSBuild

    The release of .NET Core saw the debut of a new project system that differed from that used by Visual Studio. In the latest Core Tools preview, the project.json format is being replaced with the more common MSBuild format.