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  • .NET Standard 2.0: Setting Expectations Straight

    Following last .NET Connect 2016, a few Microsoft MVPs have published their views on what .NET Standard is and where it is headed.

  • Microsoft to Announce Visual Studio for Mac

    The MSDN Blog briefly published a post on Visual Studio for Mac, then they took it down because the new product is supposed to be announced at Microsoft Connect(), which is to take place from Nov 16-18, 2016. A copy of the page can be accessed on Google’s cache.

  • Microsoft Releases Asp.Net Core 1.1 Preview 1

    Microsoft recently released ASP.NET Core 1.1 preview. This version includes several new middleware components, WebListener server for Windows, Razor view compilation and Azure related features.

  • Reviewing Key Concepts in .Net Core and .Net Standard

    Choosing compilation targets was a relatively straightforward operation prior to .Net Core. Developers now face several possibilities and choosing a target is not so obvious anymore. To understand the big picture in .Net Core, the key concepts are: target framework monikers and .Net Standard.

  • Bugs and Documentation Errors in .NET's HttpClient Frustrate Developers

    Due to a combination of design errors, bugs, and incorrect documentation, it is surprisingly hard to use .NET's HttpClient correctly. As a result, applications that appear to be working correctly in production can suffer from performance issues and runtime failures under load.

  • Delayed and Deprecated Features in Entity Framework Core

    While Entity Framework has a rather ignominious reputation for breaking backwards compatibility, it pales in comparison to the total rewrite undertaken for Entity Framework core. In this article InfoQ looks at some of the major feature changes and their repercussions.

  • Reviewing the .NET Core Roadmap

    The .NET Core project has released a new road map describing Microsoft's plans for the next 6-9 months.

  • .NET Core 1.0 Released

    Microsoft has formally released version 1.0 of .NET Core, the freely available and open source version of .NET. This provides developers a multiplatform way to target Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X systems with a single codebase.

  • RC2 Available for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core

    Microsoft has released the second release candidate (RC2) for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core along with the .NET Core SDK. New commands, and the addition of RyuJIT JIT compiler are among the many changes found in this release.

  • .NET Core Plans to Drop project.json

    Microsoft has decided to phase out project.json files over the next year or so, slowly returning to the standard .csproj style file.

  • Advanced Pattern Matching Features Removed From C# 7

    Advanced pattern matching features that were originally expected to be present in C# 7 have been recently excluded from the future branch and will not make it into the next version of the language.

  • How VS2015 Update 2 Improves .NET Native Code

    Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 has brought several new capabilities and improvements to VS2015. One area that has seen improvement is compiling code for .NET Native, yielding better support for generics and an improved backend compiler.

  • State of Open Source in .NET

    Some open source contributors recently raised concerns about the current state of open source in .NET. Discussions revolves around contributing to projects, both as an individual and as an enterprise. The role of Microsoft in the .NET ecosystem is also a the centre of the debate.

  • Discontinued Technology in .NET Core

    While some applications will have an easy migration path to .NET Core, especially ones based on ASP.NET MVC, others may run into problems. Not just obvious ones such as porting from WinForms or WPF to Universal Windows Applications (UWP), but subtler issues that are deep within the core of the .NET Framework.

  • ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC Ready for Production

    Microsoft recently released .NET Core and ASP.NET 5 Release Candidate, supported on Windows, OS X and Linux. Microsoft states this release is ready for production and will support it. Both release candidates are considered feature complete on Windows, OS X and Linux, although minor features may still be added until the final release.