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  • Red Hat Linux Enterprise is Reference Platform for .NET Core on Linux

    Microsoft and Red Hat announced they will bring official support to .NET runtime on Red Hat’s Enterprise Linux. According to the two companies, Red Hat Enterprise Linux will become the primary reference operating system for .NET Core on Linux.

  • .NET Core Builds Support for FreeBSD

    Developers working on the .NET Core project have added support for the FreeBSD platform. It is now possible run a single .NET assembly across all 4 platforms (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, and FreeBSD).

  • Visual Basic: Back by Popular Demand

    Once again, Visual Basic has been brought back from the brink of deprecation. Reversing a previous decision, VB will be fully supported in ASP.NET 5 including cross-platform.

  • Microsoft Introduces LLILC, LLVM-based .NET/CoreCLR Compiler

    The .NET Foundation has announced the release of a new project called LLILC (pronounced "lilac"). The project, initiallycontributed by Microsoft, aims to provide a new LLVM-based native code compiler for .NET Core which will make it possible to run .NET programs "on any platform that CoreCLR can be ported to and that LLVM will target."

  • Mono Adopts .NET Source Code

    A draft of the release notes for Mono 4.0 have been posted. Among other changes, they have started to adopt code from Microsoft’s CoreCLR project. At the same time, they are dropping support for .NET 4.0 and earlier. Mono will now only build .NET 4.5 compatible assemblies.

  • AutoMapper and Working with Cross-Platform Assemblies

    With the creation of CoreCLR and the increasing popularity of Xamarin, it is becoming more and more important that .NET libraries are offered in a cross-platform fashion. Sometimes one can get away with using the PCL format, but more often than, cross-platform really means multiple platform builds. Jimmy Bogard of AutoMapper fame ran into just this problem with AutoMapper.

  • .NET CoreCLR Open Sourced

    Continuing with it's plans to open source the .NET platform, Microsoft has released the CLR and RyuJIT as part of the CoreCLR package. It is fully open source and available today on GitHub.

  • Looking at .NET Core on GitHub

    It has been roughly 2 months since Microsoft started the open source released of the .NET Core libraries. The project has seen tremendous growth, and has provided some details as to how the move to GitHub has boosted development.

  • Entity Framework 7 Not Recommended for ASP.NET 4

    Version 7 of Entity Framework represents a major redesign of the 6-year-old ORM. As such, Microsoft will not be recommending the initial release of EF 7 for existing projects. Rather, it is only meant for projects that are using ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core.