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  • Netbeans 6.0 Released with Support for Ruby, Mobility Enhancements, and Integrated Profiler

    Today the Netbeans team released Netbeans 6.0. Version 6 comes a little more than a year after 5.5 and includes a number of significant enhancements.

  • Netbeans Ruby Support: A Detailed Walkthrough by Roman Strobl

    Sun has put a large investment into Ruby in the last year with JRuby and the addition of Ruby language support to their Netbeans IDE. InfoQ will be featuring a series of articles by Netbeans Evangelist Roman Strobl exploring the new Ruby features of Netbeans. The first article takes a look at code completion, debugging, and refactoring support.

  • Sun CTO Bob Brewin on Eclipse 3.3 and the Future of Netbeans

    InfoQ recently sat down with Sun CTO Bob Brewin to discuss the Eclipse Europa release and the future direction of Sun's Netbeans IDE.

  • Does Groovy need a GUI Builder

    Geertjan is integrating Groovy support into NetBeans 6.0 and is impressed with the ease of writing Swing code in Groovy. He questions whether a Matisse-like GUI builder is necessary for Groovy. Danno Ferrin responds that layout, specifically GroupLayout is the reason.

  • Ruby and Rails IDE Comparison

    Competition for dominance in the Ruby IDE space is heating up. A recent blog entry does a good job with a comprehensive breakdown and comparison of features available in IntelliJ IDEA vs. NetBeans vs. RadRails.

  • MyEclipse Brings Tools to Visual Studio and Netbeans

    Last week MyEclipse released version 5.5 which includes Simple Non-integrated APplications (SNAPs). This week they are announcing integration of SNAP's for Netbeans and Visual Studio.

  • Spring IDE 2.0 coming soon

    The Spring IDE is nearing release of version 2.0 and Rod Johnson has posted an update on their progress. Spring IDE is a set of plugins for Eclipse that provide a GUI for Spring's configuration files. Oracle has also released JDeveloper extensions for Spring development and a NetBeans Spring IDE is also in the works.

  • Roman Strobl on Enhanced JEE Support in Netbeans 5.5

    Version 5.5 of the Netbeans IDE was released over the weekend with enhanced JEE5 support. New releases of the Mobility (for JME) and Visual Web (Ajax and JavaServer Faces) packs are also available. InfoQ sat down with Netbeans evangelist Roman Strobl to discuss the release.

  • A Comparative Look at Eclipse RCP and Netbeans Platform

    Eclipse RCP has been in the news lately due to increased adoption numbers and the growing use of OSGi. The RCP framework provides a jumpstart to developers looking at writing modular rich client applications. Many developers are unaware that the Netbeans IDE also includes a framework to develop such applications called Netbeans Platform.

  • Eclipse / Sun Relationship Still Icy

    Eclipse and Sun both have large gravitational pulls in the Java community. Eclipse is the largest Java IDE while Sun controls the Java language. Cooperation between the two has been limited at best in recent years and shows little sign of improving.