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Netflix Builds a Custom High-Throughput Priority Queue Backed by Redis, Kafka and Elasticsearch
Netflix recently published how it built Timestone, a custom high-throughput, low-latency priority queueing system. They built it using open-source components such as Redis, Apache Kafka, Apache Flink and Elasticsearch. Engineers state that they made Timestone since they could not find an off-the-shelf solution that met all of its requirements.
Netflix’s New Algorithm Offers Optimal Recommendation Lists for Users with Finite Time Budget
Netflix developed a new machine learning algorithm based on reinforcement learning to create an optimal list of recommendations considering a finite time budget for the user. In a recommendation use case, often the factor of finite time to make a decision is ignored.
Netflix Studio Search: Using Elasticsearch and Apache Flink to Index Federated GraphQL Data
Netflix engineers recently published how they built Studio Search, using Apache Kafka streams, an Apache Flink-based Data Mesh process, and Elasticsearch to manage the index. They designed the platform to take a portion of Netflix's federated GraphQL graph and make it searchable. Today, Studio Search powers a significant portion of the user experience for many applications within the organisation.
Netflix’s RENO Keeps Experience Consistent across Devices
Netflix has developed the Rapid Event Notification System (RENO) to create a consistent user experience across various platforms and devices. RENO reacts more quickly and consistently than the traditional request/response model to user-generated actions ranging from watching a title to changing profile information.
Netflix Builds a Reliable, Scalable Platform with Event Sourcing, MQTT and Alpakka-Kafka
Netflix recently published a blog post detailing how it built a reliable device management platform using an MQTT-based event sourcing implementation. To scale its solution, Netflix utilizes Apache Kafka, Alpakka-Kafka and CockroachDB.
Netflix Open Sources ConsoleMe to Manage Permissions and Access on AWS
Netflix has recently open-sourced ConsoleMe, a AWS multi-account management service, and its CLI utility, Weep. The tools provide a central control plane for permissions management across all of AWS accounts of an organization and help to implement the principle of least privilege.
Netflix Embraces GraphQL Microservices for Rapid Application Development
Netflix engineering recently published a blog post detailing how Netflix embraced GraphQL microservices for rapid application development. In this post, Dane Avilla, a senior software engineer at Netflix, describes their key learnings in the process and how GraphQL lends itself well for proof-of-concept development.
Netflix Open Sources Their Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot
Within a few months of implementing their Domain Graph Service Framework (DGS), Netflix has open-sourced DGS to the Java community. This framework improves the usage of GraphQL for standalone and federated GraphQL services. InfoQ spoke to Paul Bakker, senior software engineer at Netflix and committer for DGS, about open-sourcing the DGS framework.
Netflix Implements GraphQL Federation at Scale
Netflix has successfully implemented a federated GraphQL API at scale. In a recent blog post series, engineers from Netflix describe their journey and the lessons learned in the process. With GraphQL federation, the API gateway implementation is distributed to backend teams owning the individual domain services they implement instead of centrally developed as part of the API gateway.
Maximizing User Experience with Prioritized Load Shedding at Netflix
Netflix uses its homegrown API gateway, Zuul, to classify incoming requests into priorities. When the system comes under load or is otherwise unstable, Zuul throttles traffic, starting with the lowest priority. It then progressively adjusts to shed load according to the priorities calculated until the system is healthy again.
Netflix Presents Telltale, an Application Health Monitoring Tool
The Netflix Engineering team recently blogged about Telltale, a monitoring and alerting tool that utilizes a variety of data sources to learn the typical health of an application. Telltale shows only the relevant data from application. There's also information about important events, such as nearby deployments and regional traffic evacuations.
Netflix Open Sources Crisis Management Orchestration Tool
Netflix announced the release of Dispatch, their crisis management orchestration framework. Dispatch integrates with existing tools such as Jira, PagerDuty, and Slack to streamline the crisis management process. Dispatch includes integration endpoints for adding in support for additional tooling.
Delta – a Data Synchronization and Enrichment Platform by Netflix
Large systems often utilize numerous data stores. There is sometimes a need to keep some of these data stores in sync, and to enrich data in a store by calling external services. To address these needs, Netflix has created Delta, an eventual consistent, event-driven data synchronization and enrichment platform. In a blog post, the team behind Delta gives an overview of their design.
Managing Global CDN Operations at Netflix
At the recent Strange Loop conference, Robert Fernandes, engineering manager at Netflix, who leads the Open Connect Tools team, gave a talk on how they manage operations for Netflix’s in-house OpenConnect content delivery network (CDN).
Google Introduces Spinnaker for GCP, Simplifying the Configuration of Continuous Delivery
Spinnaker is an open-source multi-cloud continuous delivery platform co-developed by Google and Netflix. In a recent blog post, Google introduced the Spinnaker for Google Cloud Platform solution, which allows customers to install and run Spinnaker in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).