InfoQ Homepage Netflix Content on InfoQ
Beyond DevOps: How Netflix Bridges the Gap
Josh Evans uses the Netflix Operations Engineering team as a case study to explore the challenges faced by centralized engineering teams and approaches to addressing those challenges.
Crossroads of Asynchrony and Graceful Degradation
Nitesh Kant describes how embracing asynchrony in Netflix applications, from networking to business processing, creates gracefully degrading and highly resilient applications.
Create Elegant Builds at Scale with Gradle
Hans Dockter discusses how to solve the challenges of standardization, dependency management, multi-language builds, and automatic build infrastructure provisioning.
How Netflix Directs 1/3rd of Internet Traffic
Haley Tucker and Mohit Vora discuss the architecture at Netflix that makes streaming happen, while highlighting interesting lessons and design patterns that can be widely applied.
Spring Cloud *: Exploring Alternative Spring Cloud Implementations
Spencer Gibb discusses the Spring Cloud abstractions and interfaces that an implementation might choose to implement: DiscoveryClient, LoadBalancerClient, Configuration and Bus.
Spring Cloud at Netflix
Jon Schneider and Taylor Wicksell explain how they leveraged Spring Cloud Netflix inside of Netflix in applications and extended it further to incorporate fast properties, Atlas metrics, and more.
Reactive Stream Processing at Netflix
Justin Becker & Neeraj Joshi describe Mantis, discuss the challenges associated with designing for the cloud, processing billions of events, all while being cost sensitive.
Breaking Bad at Netflix: Building Failure as a Service
Kolton Andrus presents how Netflix, in order to harden their systems, designed “Failure as a Service” to allow anyone to test and validate how their systems handle failure.
Netflix’s Viewing Data Microservices: How we Know Where you are in House of Cards
Matt Zimmer discusses architectural patterns -service decomposition, stateless application tiers, and polyglot persistence- and migration strategies used by Netflix.
Distributed Scheduling with Apache Mesos in the Cloud
Diptanu Choudhury discusses the design of Netflix’ distributed scheduler based on Mesos and Titan, focusing on bin packing algorithms, scaling in and out of clusters, fault tolerance, and redundancy.
Netflix Built Its Own Monitoring System - and Why You Probably Shouldn't
Roy Rapoport shares some of the lessons Netflix learned building a monitoring system, the challenges, pitfalls and opportunities encountered along the way.
Scalable Microservices at Netflix. Challenges and Tools of the Trade
Sudhir Tonse discusses about the robust interprocess communications (IPC) framework that Netflix built (Ribbon).