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InfoQ Homepage ORM Content on InfoQ

  • Job Trends: EJB, Spring, and Hibernate

    Rick Hightower has posted a few graphs from Indeed's Job Trends comparing Spring against EJB3 and various ORM tools against each other. The graphs show that Spring is steadily gaining while EJB3 (and EJB overall) is not. Similarly, Hibernate continues to dominate the ORM field in job postings.

  • New Version of Nitro/Og Web Framework Released

    Nitro/Og provides a different model for web development in Ruby. A new version has just been released, providing a good excuse to stretch your Ruby wings and try it out.

  • Hibernate 3.2 Released with Java Persistence Provider Support

    The Hibernate team has released Hibernate 3.2 GA. This release is ready for production use and includes final releases of the Java Persistence provider, Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager. The Hibernate Java Persistence provider has been certified with the Sun TCK.

  • BEA Announces WebLogic 9.2 Platform

    BEA has announced the completion and delivery of WebLogic Platform 9.2 (Server, Portal, and Integration) that are designed to provide a unified foundation for BEA's SOA 360 platform. Kodo 4.1, Workshop, and Workshop Studio also had new releases. InfoQ summarized the new features in WL Server and Portal.

  • ADO.NET vNext: Entity Data Model Designer Prototype Available

    The ADO.NET team has released a demo of their Entity Data Model Designer. This tool demonstrates some of the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) features planned for ADO.NET vNext.

  • Interview: Florent Benoit on the EasyBeans EJB3 Container and OSGi Support

    The EasyBeans EJB3 container project recently announced support for deploying the container as a set of OSGi modules. InfoQ sat down with Florent Benoit of Bull R&D to discuss this new feature as well as how EasyBeans compares to other EJB3 implementations such as JBoss and Gernonimo.

  • Spring 2 Final Approching with new support for OSGi, JPA, Asynch JMS

    Spring 2.0 final is set to come out on September 26th - a few months after the original launch dates. InfoQ spoke to the Spring team to find out what's been going on. Spring has been updated with JPA final spec support, asychronous JMS, the new JSP form tag library, and a collaboration with IBM, BEA, and Oracle to bring OSGi support to Spring.

  • Spring and EJB 3 Compared

    devx is hosting an article comparing Spring 2 and EJB 3 focusing on support for persistence, transaction management, and statefulness, concluding that support is mostly the same with but with EJB being slightly better at handling state.

  • Debates flare on the right level of abstraction over ORM and JDBC

    A heated debate started a few weeks ago initiated by members of the Hibernate team, arguing that using an abstraction framework on top of an ORM is a bad idea, citing Spring's HibernateTemplate as a specific example. Along the theme of levels of abstraction, Brian McCalister also surveyed various convenience frameworks over JDBC.

  • BEA Finishes Moving OpenJPA Code to the Apache Incubator

    BEA has finished the last set of OpenJPA code drops to the Apache Incubator. OpenJPA will be an enterprise grade JPA implementation suitable for production use. It will also form the basis for BEA's commercial Kodo 4.1 and WebLogic's JPA support.

  • AJAX, JPA, and JSF Articles Added to Java BluePrints Catalog

    The Java BluePrints Catalog available on has been updated with new writeups on JSF, AJAX, and JavaEE 5 Persistence.

  • Reflection and DynamicMethods

    While most .NET developers have heard of reflection, many have not implemented reflection in their applications to its fullest potential. Essentially, reflection is the run-time examination of an object's members. One article provides sample code and a few suggested uses for reflection, including ORM and code generation, and discusses the new, faster DynamicMethods approach in .NET 2.0

  • Red Hat Sued Over Hibernate 3 ORM Patent Infringement Claim

    Firestar Software has filed a patent claim against Red Hat for Hibernate 3 allegedly infringing on a patent covering O/R mapping. Firestar, who has not released it's ObjectSpark O/R product since 2003 claims that it "has suffered and will continue to suffer substantial damages."

  • InfoQ Book Review: Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse

    Matt Morton asked the question "Can Java be as Agile as the Dynamics (Ruby, Python, Groovy)?" and went to Anil Hemrajani's book to find out. He found a readable, useful book, and helps idenfity the right audience for this book.

  • Refactoring the EJB APIs

    Artima has interviewed EJB 3 spec lead Linda DeMichiel on how EJB was refactored for simplicty between EJB 2 and EJB 3, including three separate spec documents, simplifying EJB interfaces, annotations and when to use them, and dependency injection.