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Inertia 2.0 Released, Now Supports Asynchronous Requests
The Inertia team recently released Inertia 2.0. New features include asynchronous requests, deferred props, prefetching, and polling. Asynchronous requests enable concurrency, lazy loading, and more.
Static Analyser PHPStan Releases Version 2.0
PHPStan, a static analysis tool for PHP recently released its version 2.0. This release launches new features and improvements related to enhancing code analysis, performance, and user experience.
Latest Updates for Azure App Service Presented at Microsoft Build 2023
The Microsoft Build 2023 event showcased the latest updates and additions to the Azure App Service. The event, held in person in Seattle, included some group sessions, demonstrations and Q&A sessions on Azure App Service with such topics as changes within PremiumV3, Automatic Scaling or memory optimisation for ASEv3.
JetBrains Adds Taint Analysis for PHP to Qodana Code Quality Platform
Qodana, JetBrains' code quality platform, now provides support for PHP taint analysis in early preview. The feature aims to allow developers to detect taints in their programs, i.e. spots that are vulnerable to malicious inputs.
Slack Open Sources Hakana, a Type Checker for Hack Language
Slack has recently open-sourced its type checker, Hakana. Based on Psalm and written in Rust, Hakana’s main objective is to enforce good code quality. Additionally, Hakana can also perform security analysis. Matt Brown, senior staff engineer at Slack, made the announcement in a blog post.
VMware Tanzu Application Platform Adds Buildpack Improvements and Application Limits
VMware released a number of new features for the Tanzu Application Platform and the Tanzu Application Service. Tanzu Application Platform provides a multi-cloud platform that runs on Kubernetes. Tanzu Application Service is a delivery and operations platform. The features include buildpack improvements, API maturity scoring, services to prevent the impact of noisy neighbors, and shared routes.
Dynamic Web Apps without JavaScript - HTMX Showcase at DjangoCon and Devoxx
DjangoCon and Devoxx Belgium recently reported examples of interactive web applications developed without JavaScript developers. The showcased htmx HTML-first framework seems to target those applications that mainly propose a friendly interface to CRUD operations over remote resources. In one case, the team was able to remove the JavaScript developer.
Trivago’s Journey from PHP+Melody to Next.js and Typescript
Trivago’s platform was built using PHP and their Melody framework. A small number of engineers at Trivago maintained Melody, which was a continuity risk. Melody’s documentation and examples could not be as rich as desired due to a lack of capacity, making engineer onboarding and support much more difficult. Trivago then decided to rewrite its platform on Typescript using Next.js.
Google Cloud Supports PHP on Cloud Functions
Google Cloud recently announced the public preview of PHP on Cloud Functions. The Functions Framework for PHP supports HTTP functions, to respond to HTTP events, and CloudEvent functions to process events sourced from external and internal Google Cloud services like Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage and Firestore.
PHP 8 Brings New JIT, Union Types, and More
PHP 8 is a major update to PHP that includes a new just-in-time compiler (JIT) and many new language features. InfoQ has spoken with Sentry principal developer Mark Story to better understand what role PHP and PHP 8 play in today's language landscape.
AWS Lambda Layers and Runtime API: beyond Officially Supported Runtimes
AWS re:Invent 2018 had numerous announcements of new features and services, including Lambda Layers, to centrally manage code and data shared across functions, and the Lambda Runtime API, expanding Lambda beyond JavaScript to any programming language.
Google Releases App Engine Second Generation Runtime Supporting Python 3.7 and PHP 7.2 Support
Google Cloud recently announced the release of its Second Generation App Engine standard runtimes, an upgrade to the web framework and cloud computing platform for building apps. This update allows users to run their web apps with up-to-date versions of popular languages, frameworks and libraries, including the Python 3.7 and PHP 7.2 libraries.
Eclipse Foundation Releases Eclipse Photon IDE
The Eclipse Foundation has released the latest version of the Eclipse IDE. Eclipse Photon brings support for both Java 10 and Java EE 8, improvements for PHP development tools, Dark theme improvements, and more.
Sonatype Acquires Vor Security to Expand Nexus Open-Source Component Support
Sonatype announced the acquisition of Vor Security to extend their open-source component intelligence solutions’ coverage to include Ruby, PHP, CocoaPods, Swift, Golang, C, and C++.
How Facebook Redesigned the HHVM JIT Compiler for Performance
In the Summer of 2013, Facebook engineers started a major redesign of the HHVM JIT compiler that brought an overall 15% reduction of CPU usage on Facebook’s web servers. Facebook engineer Guilherme Ottoni has recently described how Facebook achieved that result by backing profile-guided optimizations (PGO) into their JIT compiler.