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- Replaces PHP with JavaScript has replaced PHP with web technologies and a RESTful back-end API for the administration console.
Facebook Nuclide Is Now Open Source
Announced three months ago during the F8 developer conference, Facebook has open sourced the code for their Nuclide IDE. Nuclide is based on Atom, adding a number of packages without changing anything in the core of GitHub’s IDE.
The Hack Language Gets an Official Specification
The Hack language has now got an official specification. According to the HHVM team, the Hack specification, albeit in its initial stage, fills a gap in the documentation available for the Hack language.
SQL Server Roundup
A lot of small releases were made by Microsoft’s SQL Server team last month. Some of the highlights include Power BI for on-site servers, System Center support for SQL Server 2014, and updated Java/PHP drivers.
James Gosling and Bruno Souza Join Jelastic as Advisers
James Gosling, creator of the Java language, and Bruno Souza, Brazilian SouJava JUG founder and Java Champion, will be joining Java/PHP cloud-host Jelastic . InfoQ speaks to Gosling, Souza, and Jelastic CEO, Ruslan Synytsky about the new relationships.
XHP-Bootstrap Project Announced, Combines XHP with Bootstrap Framework
Fred Emmott, software engineer for Facebook, has announced the release of XHP-Bootstrap project, combining XHP with the Bootstrap framework. Emmott describes XHP as a way to create HTML user interfaces from PHP or Hack, and provides an XML-like syntax for creating stringable objects representing markup.
PHP 5.6 Released
The PHP development team announced the availability of PHP 5.6. The new release brings new features and many improvements, PHP development team say, as well as some backward incompatible changes.
Parse Releases Official Open-source PHP SDK
Parse released the Parse PHP SDK, aimed at enabling Parse integration "for a new class of apps and different use cases." The company also says that this is its "first SDK for a server-side language, and the first to be truly open-source."
Raddish: Node.js Framework with Support for Threads and Sockets
Jasper van Rijbroek has released Raddish, a new Node.js framework with "ridiculous speeds" that also comes with out of the box support for threads and sockets. According to its own notes, Raddish aims to be "amazingly fast". Van Rijbroek told InfoQ that by using a fallback system Raddish allows developers to write less code to reach their goals.
UN's New ReliefWeb API Improves Humanitarian Dev Experience
This update to the premier source of humanitarian data worldwide will help international aid organizations by simplifying access, improving data flexibility, and improving the system's performance and robustness.
PHP Evolved: Facebook's New Hack Programming Language
PHP has long filled an important role at Facebook, and over the years the company has constantly sought to improve the language's performance. First there was the Hip Hop Virtual Machine, and now there is the Hack, programming language.
Stimulsoft Reports.Fx 2013.3 Adds Email, AutoPageScale Support Along with Funnel Weighted Slices
Stimulsoft Reports.Fx 2013.3 has been released with support for delivering reports through e-mail with e-mail address, subject and text options in addition to a new chart type, Funnel Weighted Slices. It also includes AutoPageScale and a new bands filter option with which you can apply relevant filter to the report in CSV format.
Jelastic 1.9.2 Adds GIT, SVS, PHP 5.5, MongoDB Backup Schedule Support
The recently released Jelastic 1.9.2 includes support for GIT, SVS, PHP 5.5 in addition to an ability to access database servers using FTP and FTPs. It also include automatic MongoDB backup scheduling including the ability to deploy PHP projects from GIT repository.
GAE 1.8.2 Introduces Dedicated Memcache and Modules
Google App Engine developers can now access dedicated cache up to 20GB of memory and split the application in modules providing stateless and secure services.
Andi Gutmans on PHP, Cloud Computing and Security
InfoQ recently spoke to Zend CEO Andi Gutmans to know about the future of cloud computing, role of PHP in mobile apps and security related aspects.