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InfoQ Homepage Patterns and Practices Content on InfoQ

  • Healthy Architectures - Using CQRS and Event Sourcing for Electronic Medical Records

    The health care industry has been migrating to electronic medical/health records (EMR/EHR) for some time. Hopwever, problems such as performance and scalability, along with maintaining traceability and reconstructing healthcare related business events need to be addressed. The article introduces the use of techniques and patterns for providing these quality attributes.

  • Agile Schools: How Technology Saves Education (Just Not the Way We Thought it Would)

    People from President Obama to Bill Gates propose that technological innovation is the key to improving our schools. But tech products and concepts may not be as influential as tech processes and culture. Applying the Agile methodology to school operation could catalyze dramatic change by bringing a proven systematic solution to one of the most challenging social issues of our age.

  • Patterns-Based Engineering: Successfully Delivering Solutions via Patterns

    InfoQ spoke with Lee and Celso about the Patterns-Based Engineering: Successfully Delivering Solutions via Patterns book, discussing patterns for working with patterns, MDD and the promise of reuse. The book focuses on how to improve efforts in identifying, producing, managing and consuming patterns – leading to better software delivered more quickly with fewer resources.

  • Book Review: Agile Adoption Patterns, A Roadmap to Organizational Success

    Ryan Cooper reviewed Amr Elssamadisy's new book and found it a useful framework for designing customized adoption strategies. Rather than a single recipe of Agile practices for everyone, the reader is offered patterns and tools to help determine which practices will most effectively help them reach their own organization's specific goals.

  • Ruby's Open Classes - Or: How Not To Patch Like A Monkey

    Ruby's Open Classes are powerful - but can easily be misused. This article looks at how to minimize the risk of opening classes, alternatives, and how other languages provide similar capabilities.

  • REST Anti-Patterns

    In this article, Stefan Tilkov explains some of the most common anti-patterns found in applications that claim to follow a "RESTful" design and suggests ways to avoid them: tunneling everything through GET or POST, ignoring caching, response codes, misusing cookies, forgetting hypermedia and MIME types, and breaking self-descriptiveness.

  • Book Review: Implementation Patterns

    Kent Beck's new book, Implementation Patterns, is a book about writing code in Java. The patterns in this book are based on Kent's reading of existing code as well as his own programming habits. The patterns in this book are meant to be a coherent view of how to write code people can understand that serves human as well as economic needs.

  • Adopting Agile Development Practices: Using Patterns to Share our Experiences

    Agile adoption often proves challenging. Participants at a recent OpenSpace event focused on the dynamics of adoption rather than the structure that results from adoption. The resulting patterns are part of an effort to compile Agile adoption patterns answering: "What specific practices should I adopt?", "How can I adopt incrementally?" and "Where can I expect pitfalls?"