InfoQ Homepage Persistence Content on InfoQ
Software Design for Persistent Memory Systems
Howard Chu talks about both naive approaches to leveraging NVRAM, and reasons to avoid those approaches, as well as optimal, proven methods for building systems around persistent memory.
Polyglot Persistence Powering Microservices
Roopa Tangirala takes a look at Netflix’s common platform used to manage, maintain, and scale persistence infrastructures, sharing the benefits, pitfalls, and lessons learned along the way.
Persistence Arrives on Cloud Foundry
Paul Warren explains how the CF runtime was extended to include persistent storage, demonstrating scaling an application that accesses data on a NFS volume and discussing the future of persistence.
Building Highly-resilient Systems at Pinterest
Yongsheng Wu talks about how to build highly-resilient systems at scale. Wu presents also failure cases that prompted engineers at Pinterest to build such systems, and how they test these systems.
Making Distributed Data Persistent Services Elastic (Without Losing All Your Data)
Joe Stein introduces Mesos and managing data services on it, presenting use cases for replacing classic solutions (like cold storage) with new functionality based on these technology.
Netflix’s Viewing Data Microservices: How we Know Where you are in House of Cards
Matt Zimmer discusses architectural patterns -service decomposition, stateless application tiers, and polyglot persistence- and migration strategies used by Netflix.
SQL Strikes Back! Recent Trends in Data Persistence and Analysis
Dean Wampler takes a look at SQL’s resurgence and specific example technologies, including: NewSQL, Hybrid SQL, SQL abstractions on top of file-based data, SQL as a functional programming language.
Banking Case Study: Scaling with Low Latency using NewSQL
Jags Ramnarayan and Jim Bedenbaugh present the case of a bank who adopted SQLFire, covering the business requirements, the scalability issues, patterns used and the chosen solution.
Basic Application Development with Spring Roo and SQLFire
Jeff Markham introduces Roo and SQLFire along with a demonstration of using AspectJ for SQLFire administration.
Project Voldemort: Scaling Simple Storage
Jay Kreps discusses the architecture, algorithms, implementation and deployment of Voldemort, a distributed storage system. He also presents the problems solved using Voldemort at LinkedIn.
What's New and Exciting in JPA 2.0
JPA 2.0 adds in many things which were missing in JPA 1.0. This talk covers features like advanced locking, enhanced query language, expression/criteria API and more advanced O/R mapping support.
Neo4j - The Benefits of Graph Databases
This presentation covers the use of graph databases as an optimal solution for data that is difficult to fit in static tables, rapidly evolving data or data that has a lot of optional attributes.