InfoQ Homepage QCon London 2008 Content on InfoQ
Investment Banking: Technology Space and Integration Issues
John Davies discusses investment banking technology, integration, complex data models, distributed architectures and SWIFT MT to MX migration.
Evolving the Java Language
At QCon London 2008, Neal Gafter discusses language changes being developed for the JDK7; their interactions, how they are conditioned upon pre-existing language design choices, and API design.
Under The Hood
David Chelimsky takes a look at the Ruby Gems system - and a few very useful Gems: hpricot, builder, mocha, hoe, bones, and more.
JRuby: Power on the JVM
In this presentation from QCon London, Ola Bini shows how JRuby is implemented, how it's optimized and what it can be and what it is used for.
Transparency: A Great Leap Forward or Exposed Artery?
Agile propagandists make great claims about the advantages of being transparent about the state of their projects. But is this true? Surely Transparency is just not pragmatic?
Google Data API (GData)
The Google Data API (GData) provides a query language and Atom to provide search, read, and update capabilities to Google assets, including Calendar, Blogger, Picasa, CodeSearch, and Google Base.
Application Services on the Web:
Dave Carroll describes as a platform for creating enterprise applications in the Cloud using web service APIs, server side logic, service oriented application support and ALM services.
Making Roles Explicit
Udi Dahan, The Software Simplist as he calls himself, explains why sometimes it is not enough to apply good OOP and patterns lessons. He introduces a new principle: make roles explicit.
Interactive Websites with Comet and DWR
In this session filmed during QCon London 2008, Joe Walker presents Comet, a long polling AJAX method used for updating the browser’s page, and DWR, a Java library for writing web sites using AJAX.
REST, Reuse, and Serendipity
In this talk, recorded at QCon London 2008, Steve Vinoski explains how a RESTful architecture can further reuse in unforeseen circumstances.
Executable User Stories with RSpec and BDD
An introduction to BDD and how to make plain text User Stories executable with RSpec's Story Framework, which is written in Ruby, but runs against production code written in any programming language.
Amazon Web Services: Building Blocks for True Internet Applications
Jeff Barr discusses Amazons Web development services including: Simple Queue, Simple Storage, Simple DB, and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), explaining how they address development issues.