InfoQ Homepage QCon London 2011 Content on InfoQ
Better is Better
Steve Freeman talks about environments he worked in, learning that being in a really effective environment changes what you can do, opening new possibilities, and it is a qualitative experience.
Case Study: Large-scale Pure OO at the Irish Government
Richard Pawson discusses a case study of a large pure OO project for the Irish government, presenting the challenges met, the reason for choosing pure OO, and lessons learned implementing it.
Using A Graph Database To Power The “Web of Things”
Rick Bullotta and Emil Eifrem discuss how to use graph databases to model the real world, people, systems and things, talking advantage of the relationships between various data elements.
It Is Possible to Do Object-Oriented Programming in Java
Kevlin Henney takes a philosophical approach to encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance, and explains what it means to write Java programs according to his view on OOP.
Can the Kanban Method Avoid Becoming another Management Fad?
Benjamin Mitchell believes that Kanban risks to become a fad if it does not cover gaps related to experiencing embarrassment and threat, proposing a solution based on the double-loop learning model.
HBase @ Facebook
Kannan Muthukkaruppan overviews HBase, explaining what Facebook Messages is and why they chose HBase to implement it, their contribution to HBase, and what they plan to use it for in the future.
The Beginner’s Mind
Patrick Kua talks on the need to preserve an open mind and learning attitude while being on the craftsmanship journey from beginner to expert.
Using Hypermedia Services for Systems Integration
Tim Ewald explains why hypermedia is good for system integration through services –providing support for evolution, service request routing, and application recovery-, and how to build such services.
Webmachine: a Practical Executable Model of HTTP
Justin Sheehy details Webmachine, a RESTful toolkit for writing well-behaved HTTP applications, helping developers to deal with the complexities of an HTTP-based application.
Nokia: Lessons Learnt Migrating a Very Large and Highly Relational Database into a "Classic" NoSQL
Enda Farrell discusses how they ported Nokia’s places registry to NoSQL, the reasons, the complexity involved and the lessons learned along the way in terms of people, tools and data.
Let It Crash ... Except When You Shouldn't
Steve Vinoski explains how to avoid some of the Erlang errors that can bring down a system starting from the premise that not all the crashes are welcome as the “Let It Crash” philosophy might suggest
When the Pressure Is Really On: A “Rough and Ready” Application of Lean and Kanban at the BBC
Katherine Kirk presents a case study of a small team which decided to use Lean and Kanban to rapidly iterate over the development of the BBC iPlayer.