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Java News Roundup: Updates on OpenJDK, Spring, Quarkus, Payara, Hibernate, Quarkus and JakartaOne
This week's Java roundup for October 18th, 2021, features news from OpenJDK JEPs, Oracle’s Releases Critical Patch Update for October 2021, JDK 18, numerous Spring Projects updates, Quakus 2.3.1, Payara Platform, Hibernate Search 6.0.7, GraalVM 21.3, Java for VS Code 1.0 and Apache Camel for VS Code 0.1.0. The program for the JakartaOne Livestream 2021 conference has been finalized.
Java News Roundup: WildFly 25, JEP 408, Quarkus 2.3.0, MicroProfile 5.0-RC1, Mockito 4.0, Jelastic
This week's Java roundup for October 4th, 2021, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 18, Spring Cloud 21.0.0-M2, WildFly 25, Quarkus 2.3.0.Final, MicroProfile 5.0-RC1, Open Liberty, Mockito 4.0, Apache Camel 3.12.0 and 3.7.6, Apache Camel Quarkus 2.3.0 and Jelastic PaaS acquired by Virtuozzo.
Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, OpenJDK, Open Liberty, Payara, Groovy and Quarkus
This week's Java roundup for September 6th, 2021, features news from Jakarta EE 10 introducing a new core profile, JEP 417, JDK 18, Open Liberty, Payara August 2021 Roadmap Update webinar, Quarkus 2.2.2.Final, a new Micronaut Java library, Hibernate Search 6.1.0.Alpha1, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.5, updates to versions of Groovy, and the JakartaOne Livestream 2021 conference.
Java News Roundup: Roadmap for Spring 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0, OpenJDK and Quarkus Updates
This week's Java roundup for August 30th, 2021, features news from SpringOne in which the roadmap of Spring Framework 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0 was revealed, updates to OpenJDK JEPs, JDK 18, updates to the Quarkus 2.1 and 2.2 release trains, MicroProfile API release candidates, Open Liberty, Hibernate 5.6.0.Beta1, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.4 and a new JHipster project for Helidon.
Java News Roundup: Micronaut 3.0, Open Liberty Starter, Spring Boot, GraalVM, and JEP 400
This week's Java roundup for August 16th, 2021, features news from Micronaut 3.0, OpenJDK, JDK 18, updates to Spring Boot and Spring Tools, a new Open Liberty starter tool, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.3, Payara Platform updates, Quarkus 2.1.3, Eclipse OpenMQ 6.2 and the July update of Java in Visual Studio Code.
Java News Roundup: Project Loom, JDK Mission Control, Spring Data, Kotlin 1.5.30, Micronaut 3.0-RC1
This week's Java roundup for August 9th, 2021, features news from Project Loom, OpenJDK, JDK 18, JDK Mission Control, Spring Data, Quarkus 2.1.2.Final, Micronaut 3.0.0-RC1, Kotlin 1.5.20-RC, Piranha 21.8.0, JDKMon 16.0.8, and the EclipseCon 2021 Community Day agenda.
Java News Roundup: JDK 17 Initial RC, OpenJDK, Updates to Open Liberty, Hibernate ORM, Spring Cloud
This week's Java roundup for August 2nd, 2021, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 17 initial release candidate, JDK 18, Spring Cloud 2021.0.0-M1, Quarkus 2.1.1, Open Liberty, WildFly 24.0.1 S2I Docker images, Hibernate ORM 5.5.6, JReleaser 0.6.0, Apache Camel 3.11.1 and MicroStream 5 is now open-source.
Quarkus 2.0 Delivers Continuous Testing, CLI and Supports Minimal JDK 11
Red Hat has released Quarkus 2.0 with new features such as continuous testing, a new CLI, and developer services. This version upgrades its core as well, moving to JDK 11, Vert.x 4.0 and MicroProfile 4.0, promising to have a seamless upgrade experience. InfoQ reached out to the Quarkus’ core team members to provide a brief description on the benefits of each newly-added feature in Quarkus 2.0.
Java News Roundup: IntelliJ IDEA 21.2, Quarkus 2.1, Micronaut 3.0.0-M5, WildFly, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for July 26th, 2021, features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, the road to Micronaut 3.0.0, Quarkus 2.1.0, Apache Camel Quarkus 2.1.0, WildFly 24.0.1, Josh Long’s latest edition of the Bootiful Podcast, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2, IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2021.2, RefactorFirst 0.2.0 and Apache Tuweni 2.0.
Java News Roundup: MicroProfile 4.1, Spring Boot Updates, Kotlin, Scala, OpenJDK, Liberica JDK
This week's Java roundup for July 19th, 2021, features news on JDK 17, JDK 18, OpenJDK, Liberica JDK, GraalVM, MicroProfile 4.1, Quarkus 2.0.3, Hibernate, Spring Framework, JobRunr 3.4.0, ReactorFirst 0.1.0, Apache Tika 2.0.0, Kotlin 1.5.30-M1, Scala 3.0.1 and Scala 3.0.2-M1.
Java News Roundup: Hazelcast Introduces New Platform, JDK 17, JDK 18 and Spring
This week's Java roundup for July 12th, 2021, features news on JDK 17, JDK 18, Hazelcast introducing a new platform, Open Liberty, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.2, Piranha 21.7.0, Quarkus 2.0.2, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Apache Wicket, and the JakartaOne Livestream 2021 conference call for papers.
Java News Roundup: JDK 17, JDK 18, Open Liberty, Payara, Quarkus and Spring
This week’s Java roundup for July 5th, 2021 features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, Open Liberty, Payara Server Community 6.2021.1.Alpha1, Quarkus 2.0.1, Spring Framework, javax to jakarta namespace migration, the road to IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2, and the July 2021 TIOBE Index.
Java News Roundup - Week of June 28th, 2021
This week’s Java roundup features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, GraalVM Native Build Tools, TornadoVM 0.10, the release of Quarkus 2.0 and Apache Camel Quarkus 2.0, Apache Camel 3.11, Apache Wicket, Helidon, Micronaut Foundation, JReleaser 0.5.0, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3, Gradle 7.1.1, Hibernate, Scala, ASM and the Spring Framework.
Java News Roundup - Week of June 7th, 2021
This week’s roundup features news from OpenJDK and JDK 17 moving to Rampdown Phase One, JDK 18, a new Helidon extension for Visual Studio Code, JFR support in GraalVM native images, Quarkus 1.13 maintenance release, WildFly 24 Beta1, and updates to Spring Framework and Spring Boot.
Java News Roundup - Week of May 31st, 2021
This week’s roundup features news from OpenJDK JEPs targeted for JDK 17, initial work on JDK 18, Project Skara 1.0, JavaFX, MicroProfile GraphQL, Quarkus 2.0, Micronaut 3.0, Hibernate ORM 5.5.0, Payara Platform 5, Eclipse Vert.x 4.1.0, Spring and EclipseCon 2021.