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  • Mobile Video-Conferencing Using Jitsi

    In this article, we will look at alternatives for providing video meetings on mobile devices. We take Jitsi as a popular open source option, which provides Jitsi Meet, an ad-hoc video meetings service, and JaaS, a service platform for developers. Looking at user engagement data, we see there’s no "one size fits all" solution.

  • Five Android and iOS UI Design Guidelines for React Native

    This article will explain why UI designers should follow platform specific guidelines while designing for multiple platforms. This can be quite a complex task, due to the variety of constraints and guidelines there are to consider. We propose five easy guidelines to design for multiple platforms focusing on React Native and without missing key usability concerns.

  • Affordable React Native Mobile App Development

    This article reviews the main benefits of developing a React Native mobile app and discusses a number of scenarios to make it more affordable, including local development, offshoring, and outsourcing.

  • Writing Cross-Platform Apps with React Native

    React Native is Facebook's open source project for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. Rather than wrapping a web view and pretending to be a mobile app, React Native allows developers to create truly native applications. Bonnie Eisenman presents an introduction on React Native, how to get started, and how to get your app into the store.