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Introduction to Kotlin's Coroutines and Reactive Streams
Krystian Rybarczyk looks into coroutines and sees how they facilitate asynchronous programming, discussing flows and how they make writing reactive code simpler.
Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. Squbs
Anil Gursel and Akara Sucharitakul focus on modeling and building software that considers all input and all output as stream of events, and introducing Squbs.
Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 Containers
Violeta Georgieva explains using the Servlet/Reactive Streams bridge to create reactive applications that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat or any Servlet 3.1 compatible containers.
Servlet or Reactive Stack: you have choices...
Rossen Stoyanchev compares Spring Servlet with Reactive Streams and discusses what can be done with them.
Disrupting Development Using Reactive Event Sourced Systems with Akka
Jan Ypma presents a system which exposes reactive events as a real-time streaming REST API.
Reactive Streams, j.u.concurrent, & beyond!
Konrad Malawski explains what the word Stream means, then looks at how its protocol works and how one might use it in the real world showing examples using existing implementations.
Reactive Kafka
Rajini Sivaram talks about Kafka and reactive streams and then explores the development of a reactive streams interface for Kafka and the use of this interface for building robust applications.
WebSockets, Reactive APIs and Microservices
Todd Montgomery investigates whether WebSockets, HTTP/2, Reactive Streams and microservices can deliver the high scalability, resiliency, and ease of development promised.
Reactive Web Applications
Stephane Maldini and Rossen Stoyanchev discuss building reactive web applications, the choice of runtimes, using reactive streams for network I/O and the reactive programming model.