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Scaling Pinterest
Details on Pinterest's architeture, its systems -Pinball, Frontdoor-, and stack - MongoDB, Cassandra, Memcache, Redis, Flume, Kafka, EMR, Qubole, Redshift, Python, Java, Go, Nutcracker, Puppet, etc.
Real World Redis
David Czarnecki discusses several Redis data structures and their associated libraries used in real cases for building leaderboards, relationships and activity feeds.
Need Some Cache? Redis in Depth
Chris Meadows introduces Redis, explaining what it is good for, what does it take to be run, and what’s under the hood through a social networking code example.
Polyglot Persistence for Java Developers - Moving Out of the Relational Comfort Zone
Chris Richardson shows how he ported a relational database to three NoSQL data stores: Redis, Cassandra and MongoDB.
Distributed Systems: What Nobody Told You
Shaneal Manek tells the story of how things can go wrong with a distributed system which turned into a success after incorporating appropriate tools for monitoring, analytics, logging, security.
NoSQL at Twitter
Ryan King presents how Twitter uses NoSQL technologies - Gizzard, Cassandra, Hadoop, Redis - to deal with increasing data amounts forcing them to scale out beyond what the traditional SQL has to offer
Horizontal Scalability via Transient, Shardable, and Share-Nothing Resources
Adam Wiggins details how memcached, CouchDB, Hadoop, Redis, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Erlang apply the transient, shardable and share-nothing principles to achieve horizontal scalability.
Evolving the Key/Value Programming Model to a Higher Level
Billy Newport discusses the ways that developers interact with key/value stores, entity vs column-oriented approaches, sync vs async operations, large data sets, and collocating closures and data.