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  • The InfoQ Trends Reports 2024 eMag

    This special edition of The InfoQ eMag, contains a comprehensive collection of our popular InfoQ Trends Reports from 2024, a year with both evolution and revolution within the landscapes of technology, software development trends. This collection does not just reflect the past year's technological trends. We aspire to use it as a guide for future exploration and innovation.

  • Improving Developer Experience with Platform Engineering

    Platform engineering has become a hot topic over the last several years. The need to deliver software with speed, safety, and efficiency has driven the rise of platforms designed “as a product” with the internal customer, the developer. In this InfoQ emag, we bring together insights from platform builders, practitioners, and developer experience leaders at the forefront of these topics.

  • The InfoQ eMag - The InfoQ Software Trends Report 2019: Volume 1

    This eMag brings together the complete set of reports from the last 12 months and as such represents various points in time. We hope that this format provides InfoQ readers, from developers to CTOs, with a concise summary of the professional software landscape. We encourage you to explore these technologies for yourselves

  • InfoQ eMag: Java Agents and Bytecode

    In this eMag we have curated articles on bytecode manipulation, including how to manipulate bytecode using three important frameworks: Javassist, ASM, and ByteBuddy, as well as several higher level use cases where developers will benefit from understanding bytecode.

  • InfoQ eMag: Java 9 and Beyond

    If there were ever any question that Java was the de facto standard for server side enterprise development, Java 8 has certainly quelled that one. The world now anxiously awaits Java 9 and the innovations it promises. Oracle has slated Java 9 for a March 2017 release. In this eMag, we take a look at what’s on the scheduled horizon for Java 9 and beyond.

  • InfoQ eMag: Java 8

    The release of Java 8 was considered a game changer for the Java platform. With new features like lambda expressions, streams, and the new Date and Time APIs, the Java 8 demonstrates that a language can be modernized without compromising stability or backward compatibility. In this eMag we explore some of the important or lesser known features of Java 8, along with a glimpse of how we got here.