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Longjumps, Tailcalls, Tuples for the JVM
This summer, John Rose made a series of posts described as "some exciting articles about the future of the JVM," including long jumps, tail calls and tuples. These could be folded into the Java language, but can also be seen as important for supporting other languages on the JVM, including both functional and dynamic languages.
Presentation: Cluster your JVM to simplify application architecture
Open Terracotta is an open-source, highly scalable, JVM-level clustering solution. As well as being a drop-in replacement for Tomcat Clustering, it can transparently cluster POJOs and Spring beans. This presentation will be an in-depth case study of a small mobile application built using Terracotta clustering.
Azul Systems: Next generation Java-based 768 core server released
Azul Systems has announced the release of their third-generation Java-based computing appliance with 768 processing cores. Azul also recently settled a lawsuit with Sun Microsystems. InfoQ caught up with Azul's Gaetan Castelein to discuss these recent events.
Microsoft Surpasses Java's Dynamic Language Support?
Microsoft's announcement of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) has caused quite a stir in many areas, also in the Java space. Many voices seem convinced that the DLR has given .NET a major head start over the JVM, because it solves many problems Java is only just starting to realize. We look at the current situation of dynamic language support and how it compares to the DLR.
Presentation: Java EE Class Loading Architectures
Ernie Svehla, Chief Architect of IntelliObjects reviews Java Class Loading basics, comparing the class loading architectures of the Sun's Appserver 9, BEA WebLogic 9.1, and JBoss 4.0.2. The presentation concludes with a discussion of best practices for packaging JEE applications followed by techniques for resolving common class loading problems such as ClassNotFoundException, or NoDefFound Errors.
Article: Introduction to OpenTerracotta
OpenTerracotta is an open source enterprise-class JVM clustering solution that can take multi-threaded single-JVM apps and have them run across multiple JVMs with no code changes. Orion Letizi goes super-indepth on Terracotta and how it works, explaining how to do session replication, distributed caching, master/worker, and more.
InfoQ Article: In-Process JVM & CLR Interop
The two most popular managed environments (the JVM and the CLR) are in fact, nothing more than a set of shared libraries, each providing services to executing code such as memory management, thread management, code compilation (JIT), etc. Using both the JVM and the CLR inside the same operating system process is easy; in this new article, Ted Neward shows how and why.
Sun Open Sources Fortress programming language for the JVM
Fortress, a new language designed specifically for high-performance computing (HPC), has been released on SunSource under the BSD language. The preliminary interpreter is based on the JVM. Fortress is intended as a modern day replacement for Fortran.
ONJava's 2007 Predictions
ONJava Editor Chris Adamson has posted his 2007 predictions for the Java world. He takes a look at the major changes in 2006 and says what to look for as a result of them. He focuses on open-sourcing Java, the Java Platform, changes outside of Sun, and the JCP.
Terracotta open sources JVM clustering
Terracotta today open sourced their JVM clustering solution under MPL-based license. Terracotta turns single-node, multi-threaded apps into distributed multi-node apps with no code changes. Also open sourced are customizations for clustering Spring Application contexts and HTTPSessions. The VC-backed Terracotta is switching from a commercial license model to a service & support model.
Taking Advantage of Multiple Processor Cores in JEE Applications
Michael Juntao Yuan, and Dave Jaffe have published an article on detailing the process of scaling enterprise Java applications on 64-bit multi-core x86 servers. As chip makers such as AMD and Intel transition from faster megahertz per chip to more cores per chip, performance gains will be harder to achieve for traditional single threaded applications.
Sun Officially Backs Ruby, Brings JRuby In-House
Charles Nutter, one of the developers of the JRuby (Ruby on JVM) project, announces JRuby is being brought into the Sun Microsystems fold.
WebLogic Real Time 1.1 Provides < 30 ms latency
BEA has released WebLogic Real Time (WLRT) Core Edition 1.1 today, their product intended to bring Java into what has traditionally the realm of C/C++ apps. Real Time claims to have 20 millisecond average latencies and 30-millisecond maximum latency on its own benchmark application. BEA is recommending Spring as the programming model for Real Time.
Excelsior Jet JVM/Precompiler version 4.5 Released
Excelsior Jet, a JVM with Ahead-Of-Time compiler has been updated to verision 4.5. Jet precompiles JVM byte code to native X86 instructions. Precompilation has application performance and security benefits. v4.5 supports Java SE 5 Update 6 and improves JIT compilation speeds.