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Ozma: Extending Scala with Oz Concurrency
Sébastien Doeraene introduces Ozma – Scala extension providing declarative concurrency – with code samples, and explores what it takes to port it to JVM.
Virtualizing and Tuning Large Scale Java Applications
Emad Benjamin explains how to deploy and tune a JVM on a virtual infrastructure (vSphere), and how to tune the garbage collector in this environment.
Dropwizard: Make Features, Not WAR
Ryan Kennedy introduces Dropwizard which is Yammer's framework for building RESTful web services on the JVM.
Doppio: Java Meets Coffee in the Browser
Jez Ng, CJ Carey and Jonny Leahey introduce Doppio, a JVM written in CoffeeScript for the browser.
An Introduction to Logic Programming on the JVM with core.logic (Clojure)
Edmund Jackson discusses the Goals, Logic Variables, Constraints, and Compositions that form the foundation of Logic Programming using Clojure examples.
Compiling Scala to LLVM
Geoff Reedy informs on the current status of a LLVM backend for the Scala compiler project he’s working on, detailing on its design and implementation.
Big Data, Small Computers
Cliff Click discusses RAIN, H2O, JMM, Parallel Computation, Fork/Joins in the context of performing big data analysis on tons of commodity hardware.
Understanding Java Garbage Collection and What You Can Do about It
Gil Tene explains how a garbage collector works, covering the fundamentals, mechanism, terminology and metrics. He classifies several GCs, and introduces Azul C4.
Pushing The Limits of Web Browsers … or Why Speed Matters
Lars Bak presents several language virtual machines (Self, Strongtalk, Hotspot), why they matter and how they influenced V8 and Dart. His talk is centered on performance.
What Are Clouds Made Of?
John Garbutt discusses the components used for building a cloud, comparing different cloud offerings existing on the market.
AIR Matters
Kevin Korngut introduces Adobe AIR, a cross-platform runtime environment for desktop and mobile applications.
Virtual Machines with Sharable Operation System
Hoi Chan discusses attaining efficiency in cloud computing by streaming and multiplexing VMs, sharing storage, along with safety analysis for efficient patching.