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Architecture Is Interaction Design
Robert Reppel considers that architects should build software-centric systems as a user experience for customers, products owners, developers, IT, testers and other participants.
Voice of the Customer
Barb Spurway, Tracy Bowman discuss Voice of the Customer (VoC), a Total Quality Management/ Lean Manufacturing concept helping teams build quality products from the customers’ perspective.
Stop That! Questioning Dogmatic Programming
Doug Hiebert questions conventional wisdom that is taken for granted when writing code, and presents alternatives by way of before-and-after examples.
Think With Your Hands! Using 3D Model Building to Build Up Your Team
Ellen Grove teaches improving personal development using the Lego Serious Play thinking, communicating and problem solving technique.
The Great Canadian #NoEstimates Puzzle Experiment
Chris Chapman teaches delivering software without estimates through the Great Canadian #NoEstimates Puzzle Experiment, asking the participants to collaboratively build a jigsaw puzzle.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Stakeholders
Rob Keefer outlines 7 practices that managers and other project stakeholders can use to influence an Agile team in a positive way.
Stop Trying to Change Me!!
Jason Little teaches how to bring change in an organization without having people feel threatened.
Agile Testing Practices
Janet Gregory explains how testing activities are included throughout the Agile process, and how a tester can add value, discussing ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development), and exploratory testing.
Begin to Grow Your Team
Chris Farrell, Shawn Button help workshop participants to see the problems of self-organization and learn using BEGIN -Boundaries, Empowerment, Goals, Ingredients, Nurture- to empower their team.
A Data Driven ETL Test Framework
Terry Bunio outlines the requirement of a tSQLt-based ETL test framework, showing how tests execute in a demonstration.
User Story Mapping in Practice
Steve Rogalsky explains the basics of user story maps based on real case studies, showing pictures depicting projects’ progress and how that influenced iterative development and process visualization.
My Agile House Reno
Nikola Karpisek tells the story of decorating his house using an agile approach: a small board and convincing the contractors to use yellow post-it’s.