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SOLID JavaScript
Jonathan Mills shows how to apply all five of the SOLID principles to front-end JavaScript applications.
SOLID in the Wild: Life When Your Software is Actually Soft
Presenters talk about using SOLID principles to build an online marketplace, creating a system that is easy to change.
Are You a SOLID Coder?
Steve Green introduces SOLID principles with coding examples tailored for novice and intermediate developers.
Microservices Are (Conceptually) Too Big
Philip Wills believes that thinking about independent services and single responsibility applications rather than microservices can help to clarify the architectural complexity trade-offs.
Microservices or SOLID Services?
Ondrej Krajicek discusses how basic techniques - SOLID principles, Design by Contract - and certain metrics can be used in architecting microservices, and the benefits resulting from using them.
SOLID: The Next Step Is Functional
Anil Wadghule explains why applying SOLID OO design principles to their extreme leads to Functional Programming.
Building SOLID Foundations
Nat Pryce, Steve Freeman advise on design principles useful to create code structures with objects that fit together and communicate, and where the capabilities and the information flow are explicit.
Legacy Code: Using Domain-Driven Design to Carve Out Areas of Sanity
Robert Reppel discusses applying DDD and SOLID techniques in order to improve legacy code, exemplifying with real code.
SOLID Clojure
Colin Jones discusses applying the SOLID OOP principles to Clojure programming in order to create systems that are easy to change.
SOLID Software and Design Patterns for Mere Mortals
Phil Japikse explains SOLID software principles - Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion- and how to apply them using design patterns.