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Ruiz and Almiray at Devoxx UK: Lessons on How to Escape the Maven Dependency Hell
During their Devoxx UK talk Ixchel Ruiz, developer advocate at JFrog, and Andres Almiray, principal product manager at Oracle, presented multiple “maven puzzlers" together with their potential solutions to escaping the Apache Maven dependencies hell. In an effort to be as comprehensive as possible, they spoke about direct, transient and even inherited dependencies from parent POMs.
Developing Software to Manage Distributed Energy Systems at Scale
Functional programming techniques can make software more composable, reliable, and testable. For systems at scale, trade-offs in edge vs. cloud computing can impact speed and security.
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 Uses Java 17 Runtime
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 uses the JetBrains Runtime 17, a fork of OpenJDK. The latest versions of various languages and frameworks are now supported, such as Scala, Kotlin, Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3.
SoundCloud Chronicles the End of the Public API Strangler
SoundCloud has successfully completed their migration journey using the Strangler pattern from a monolith application to a fully-fledged BFF.
Java News Roundup: MicroProfile 4.1, Spring Boot Updates, Kotlin, Scala, OpenJDK, Liberica JDK
This week's Java roundup for July 19th, 2021, features news on JDK 17, JDK 18, OpenJDK, Liberica JDK, GraalVM, MicroProfile 4.1, Quarkus 2.0.3, Hibernate, Spring Framework, JobRunr 3.4.0, ReactorFirst 0.1.0, Apache Tika 2.0.0, Kotlin 1.5.30-M1, Scala 3.0.1 and Scala 3.0.2-M1.
Java News Roundup - Week of June 28th, 2021
This week’s Java roundup features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, GraalVM Native Build Tools, TornadoVM 0.10, the release of Quarkus 2.0 and Apache Camel Quarkus 2.0, Apache Camel 3.11, Apache Wicket, Helidon, Micronaut Foundation, JReleaser 0.5.0, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3, Gradle 7.1.1, Hibernate, Scala, ASM and the Spring Framework.
Scala 3 Overhauls Language for Better Developer Experience
Eight years in the making and the first major release since version 2.13, Scala 3.0 delivered a "complete overhaul of the Scala language" with updates to the syntax, the type system, metaprogramming, and language features. It is binary backwards-compatible with Scala 2.13 but not fully source-compatible. The new compiler can automatically migrate old code and report any remaining issues.
Road to Scala 3: Release Candidate Available
Scala 3 incorporates many changes and is based on Dotty, a new compiler using the internal data structures of Document Object Types. In development for the past eight years, new features in Dotty include new types, improved enum handling and metaprogramming. The first release candidate is now available and version 3.0.0 is scheduled for release in early-mid 2021.
The Resurgence of Functional Programming - Highlights from QCon Plus
The Resurgence of Functional Programming track at QCon Plus featured several experts describing how functional programming makes developing software a joyful experience. They also told why and how object-oriented languages such as C# and Java are evolving by becoming more functional.
Writing Web Applications in Java - a Study of Alternatives
Developers familiar with the Java Virtual Machine languages and who want to develop web applications without the difficulties of a JavaScript development stack, have an increasing array of alternatives to JavaScript to choose from. The performance penalty vs. native JavaScript web applications is shrinking.
Microservices Framework Lagom 1.5 with Akka Management and Support for Kubernetes and OpenShift
Version 1.5 of the microservices framework Lagom comes with Akka Management, a set of tools for operating Akka powered applications, and support for deployment with Kubernetes or OpenShift. The recently released version 1.5 is built on Play 2.7.0, Alpakka Kafka 1.0 and Akka 2.5.22 and also adds support for Couchbase and for gRPC through Akka gRPC.
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Supports Java 11, MacBook Touch Bar and More
JetBrains recently released the IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2. This version brings support for the upcoming Java 11, breakpoints intentions, MacBook Touch Bar, enhancements for Spring Boot, Scala and Docker plugin, and more.
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2: Smarter, Neater, and Faster
JetBrains recently released IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2, the quarterly release of its flagship Java IDE. Trisha Gee’s blog post about this release notes that there are many usability enhancements; new classes of warning like if you are creating empty collections or Strings or if a number is out of range on an array. It also has improved analysis around nulls.
IBM and Lightbend Announce Initiative to Build New Platform for Cognitive Development
IBM has announced a strategic investment in reactive pioneer and Scala language custodian, Lightbend. The two companies will collaborate to build a new platform for cognitive development. Mark Brewer, CEO at Lightbend spoke exclusively to InfoQ about this collaboration.
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference 2017: Day One Recap
Day One of the 12th annual Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference was held on Tuesday, April 18 in Philadelphia, PA. This two-day event included keynotes by Blair MacIntyre (augmented reality pioneer) and Scott Hanselman (podcaster), and featured speakers Monica Beckwith (JVM consultant at Oracle), Yehuda Katz (co-creator of Ember.js), and Jessica Kerr (lead engineer at Atomist).