InfoQ Homepage Software Craftsmanship Content on InfoQ
Danger! Software Craftsmen at Work
David Harvey explores the possible danger he sees in the current Software Craftsmanship discourse which can end up creating a barrier between the software builders and their customers.
Software Craftsmanship, Beyond The Hype
Corey Haines believes that craftsmanship means forming quality software developers who choose their own practices and use them, starting as apprentices, becoming journeymen, and ending coding katas.
Sharpening the Tools
Dan North advices on how to advance from beginner to expert: practice the basics, learn from others, understand trends, share knowledge, maintain the toolbox, learn how to learn, and re-do everything.
Living and Working with Aging Software
Ralph Johnson discusses principles, practices and tools relating to software development starting from already existing code which needs refactoring, maintenance, and sometimes architectural change.
The Craftsman Learns ... or Learning the Craft
Pete Goodliffe provokes his listeners to keep learning, offering advice on how to approach learning, what is valuable and what can be ignored, how to deal with new things, having a healthy attitude.
Feeding the Agile Beast
Dean Stevens proposes a way of integrating the business value concept into everyday Agile activity in order to achieve a higher value for an enterprise.
The DCI Architecture: Lean and Agile at the Code Level
James Coplien explains the DCI paradigm used to better represent the user’s mental model through code, proposing a way of reintroducing architecture back to Lean and Agile projects.
Scrub & Spin: Stealth Use of Formal Methods in Software Development
Gerard Holzmann discusses Spin, a design analyzer tool, and Scrub, a code review tool, used by Jet Propulsion Laboratory to analyze and fix the software used for solar system exploration missions.
Bad Code, Craftsmanship, Engineering, and Certification
Robert C. Martin on writing good code starting with a bad code example, then addressing many topics like: Boy Scout rule, functions, arguments, craftsmanship, TDD, engineering, certification, etc.
Sustainable Test-Driven Development
Steve Freeman offers advice on writing good tests that make development easier avoiding dead weight code that is hard to maintain. Topics: readability, complex data, diagnostics, and flexibility.
Dave Hoover and Paul Pagel on Apprenticing to Mastery
Dave Hoover and Paul Pagel discuss the patterns of behavior they've observed in successful apprenticeships.
Controlling Your Architecture
Magnus Robertsson shows how to control the code architecture to avoid an architectural drift leading to a big-ball-of-mud: peer review, code analysis, and zero tolerance to warnings and errors.