InfoQ Homepage Software Craftsmanship Content on InfoQ
Production - Designing for Testability
Michael Bryzek explores what it’s like to build quality software with no development, QA, or staging environments, but which is tested in production.
Software (r)Evolution: A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt
Adam Tornhill introduces techniques based on software evolution and psychology that help to uncover problematic code, detect organizational issues and make practical decisions guided by data.
Refactor Front-end APIs & Accounting for Tech Debt
Julia Nguyen talks about accounting for technical debt in feature work and best practices in refactoring front-end APIs based on her work adding Apple Pay support to perk itemization at Indiegogo.
Can't We Just Agree Quality Is Good?
Torbjörn Gyllebring considers that software development needs a better understanding about the dynamics and economic implications of deliberate, thoughtful contextualization of quality.
Building a High Performing Team
Patrick Kua talks about why and how architects should care about well-functioning teams and looks at the tools and techniques architects can use to build high-performance teams.
Delivering Value While behind Enemy Lines
Matt Barrett talks about how his team at Adaptive Financial Consulting manages to get things done in the face of huge cultural resistance while maintaining their own engineering culture.
A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt
Adam Tornhill offers an overview of techniques that help uncover both problematic code and the social dimension of the teams that build software. He illustrates each point with a case study.
Refactoring Mount Doom - Tackling Legacy Code
Franziska Sauerwein discusses how to refactor code for the right reasons and the right methods to use for time efficiently.
Using Quality Views to Tackle Tech Debt @Tesla
Colin Breck discusses how quality views may help improve communication in support of tackling technical debt in an organization.
Strategic Code Deletion
Michael Feathers describes techniques that generate more certainty around assessments of feature liveness, and strategies that can be used to remove code that does not have high value
Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products
Phil Haack discusses the secret ingredient to great teams and products, usually misnamed "soft" skills, and how they help teams be more effective, backing all of it with hard data.
Scaling Quality on Quora Using Machine Learning
Nikhil Garg talks about the various Machine Learning problems that are important for Quora to solve in order to keep the quality high at such a massive scale.