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Elevate Developer Experience with Generative AI Capabilities on AWS
This is a summary of a talk I gave at InfoQ Dev Summit Munich 2024. I discussed the transformative potential of generative AI in enhancing developer experiences, particularly through AWS. I’ll introduce key tools like Amazon Bedrock, Code Review Assistant, Agentic Code Generation, and Code Summarization in this article.
Transforming Legacy Healthcare Systems: a Journey to Cloud-Native Architecture
Discover how Livi navigated the complexities of transitioning MJog, a legacy healthcare system, to a cloud-native architecture, sharing valuable insights for successful tech modernization. Our experience illustrates that transitioning from legacy systems to cloud-based microservices is not a one-time project, but an ongoing journey.
How to Use Multiple GitHub Accounts
Git is a popular tool for version control in software development. It is not uncommon to use multiple Git accounts. Correctly configuring and switching Git accounts is challenging. In this article, we show what Git provides for account configuration, its limitations, and the solution to switch accounts automatically based on a project parent directory location.
Lessons Learned from Enterprise Usage of GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is an effective CI tool. However, integrating it into enterprise organizations can be challenging. This article looks at best practices for GitHub Actions in the enterprise.
Moldable Development: Guiding Technical Decisions without Reading Code
Developers spend most of their time reading code. Moldable Development challenges reading as a means to gather information from the system, by creating custom tools that show the problem in a way that makes it comfortable to understand. The solution typically follows quickly afterward. Glamorous Toolkit is a moldable development environment designed to decrease the cost of custom tools.
Chipping Away at the Monolith: Applying MVPs and MVAs to Legacy Applications
Legacy applications actually benefit the most from concepts like a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and its related Minimum Viable Architecture (MVA). Once you realize that every release is an experiment in value in which the release either improves the value that customers experience or doesn’t, you realize that every release, even one of a legacy application, can be thought of in terms of an MVP.
Infrastructure as a Code—Why Drift Management Is Not Enough
The reality is that configuration drift will remain unavoidable for the foreseeable future. An EaaS solution, coupled with an IaC platform and good change management policies will help you prevent drift and shorten your development cycles.
A Standardized, Specification-Driven API Lifecycle
At QCon Plus last November, Kin Lane, Chief Evangelist with Postman, and the Open Technologies Team lead presented on API specifications. API specifications are essential to him and at Postman. So he wanted to share a bit of how they see API specifications impacting how they produce and consume APIs.
Talking Like a Suit - Communicating the Importance of Engineering Work in Business Terms
This article explores how to construct engineering work as a story, including clearly presenting a problem, offering a solution, and showing the business a path to success that solves their problem and avoids failure. By presenting your case in this way, you significantly increase your chances of getting these engineering problems addressed, while also becoming a better partner for the business.
Five Things to Remember When Upgrading Your Legacy Solution
Legacy software is still employed, even though it frequently fails to meet critical demands and core business operations. By choosing the right modernization strategy and software development teams, you can easily cut down on high legacy software maintenance costs and increase productivity.
GitHub’s Journey from Monolith to Microservices
This article explores GitHub's recent journey towards a microservices architecture. It takes a deeper look at GitHub’s historical and current state, goes over some internal and external factors, and discusses practical consideration points in how Github tackled their migration, including key concepts and best practices of implementing microservices architecture.
‘Debt’ as a Guide on the Agile Journey: Technical Debt
In this article in a series on how ‘debt’ can be used to guide an agile journey, we will provide two examples of smells that are related to technical debt, explain the symptoms, the impact on the business and in our organization, outline the experiments (countermeasures) that we have introduced in an effort to try to remove the smell, and provide some specific advice for you to be inspired.