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Alfresco Announces Activiti Project, an Apache 2 Licensed BPM Engine
Alfresco announces their open source, Apache 2 Licensed Business Process Managment engine, Activiti, with former jBPM lead Tom Baeyens at the helm.
Interview: Rod Johnson About Spring Framework 3.0 & Others
In this interview made by Srini Penchikala, with the participation of Ryan Slobojan, Rod Johnson answered many questions about Spring Framework 3.0 and other applications developed under SpringSource’s umbrella - Tool Suite, Integration, Web Flow, Batch – talking about their current status and existing plans for the future.
SpringOne Brings a New Tomcat Server, VMware Partnership, and ActionScript Offerings
The announce SpringOne conference included the announcement of tcServer, partnerships with VMware and Adobe, and the new Spring ActionScript project.
Presentation: Enterprise Batch Processing with Spring
In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, Wayne Lund discusses batch processing, Spring Batch objectives and features, scenarios for using Spring Batch, Spring Batch infrastructure and architecture, scaling Spring Batch, example Spring Batch code, failures and retrying, the Spring Batch Domain Reference Model and execution environment, and the Spring Batch future roadmap.
Spring Batch: Simplified Development of Batch and Offline Processes
The Spring Batch project, a lightweight and comprehensive Spring-based batch framework, released version 1.0 recently. InfoQ spoke with project lead David Syer to learn more about this release and what it provides for the Spring community.
Interview: Rod Johnson discusses the Spring Portfolio
In this interview from QCon San Francisco, SpringSource CEO Rod Johnson discusses the origins and philosophy of Spring, the Spring Portfolio, Spring Web Flow, Spring Batch, Spring.Net, the partnership with Tasktop Technologies, and community involvement and utilization of Spring.