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VMware Announces vFabric Cloud Application Platform 5, Simplifies Licensing and Deployment
VMware has today announced that the next version of its vFabric cloud application platform, which it expects to ship later in the summer, will see a licensing change to a per VM model. The platform gains elastic memory for Java applications running in Spring tc Server, and a new performance monitoring tool for Spring applications running in production, based on Spring Insight.
Martin Lippert on the newly released SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6
Martin Lippert at VMWare's SpringSource recently announced the 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 releases of their Eclipse-based development environment for building Spring applications, SpringSource Tool Suite. InfoQ caught up with Martin to have him personally walk us through what developers can look forward to with this new release, and more.
Spring Roo 1.1.0 Release: Built on OSGi, Supports Database Reverse Engineering and GWT 2.1 Features
The latest version of Spring Roo framework supports database reverse engineering, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) version 2.1 features, and application deployments on Google App Engine. Spring Roo 1.1.0 GA release was announced last week. The new release also uses Apache Felix as the OSGi runtime environment.
Google & Spring Collaborate To Advance Cloud Java Development
VMware and Google today announced an early November 2010 'general availability' of their collaborative projects to move Java-based cloud development forward by bringing the Google Web Toolkit to Spring Roo, integrating Spring Insight with Google Speed Tracer, and incorporating Google Plugin for Eclipse into the Eclipse-based SpringSource Tool Suite.
MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 Released with Flex, GWT and iPhone Scaffolding
Genuitec and Skyway Software have announced the release of MyEclipse for Spring 8.6. The latest release includes accelerators for Spring Core, Adobe Flex, Spring MVC, GWT, Spring Web Flow and iPhone Web applications. The release also introduces a new set of Spring development editors, Code Assistants, that facilitate the annotation-based development of Spring and JAX-WS artifacts.
Spring Aiming to Bring Grails-like Productivity to GWT Application Development With Roo
VMWare, Google partnership delivers GWT integration to Spring Roo.
Spring 3.0: Java 5 Required, Adds New Expression Language and REST Support
A new version of the Spring Framework, version 3.0, was released today. InfoQ spoke with Juergen Hoeller, technical lead of the Spring Framework project, to learn more about this release and the changes that it brings to the Spring portfolio.
Keynote: The Future of Java Innovation
In the opening keynote at SpringOne Europe 2009, Rod Johnson wondered if Java innovation is going to be stifled by latest Oracle acquisition and expressed his belief that Java will continue to evolve outside of Sun as it has done for the last few years. As proof he mentioned: Grails, Roo, a tool for improved developer productivity, a free STS, tc Server and dm Server.
Spring Roo 1.0 M1 Released
The recent release of Spring Roo, a round-tripping code generation tool used to develop Spring applications in Java, offers Tomcat, JMS and Selenium support. SpringSource development team released Roo 1.0 M1 version last week.