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Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration
In this interview Google tools honcho from Brad Abrams talks about how Google tools integrate with Spring tools to help make Java developers’ lives easier. Abrams discusses Google’s reasons for targeting the popular Spring Framework. He also delves into the integrations between Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Speed Tracer with Spring tools such as Roo, STS, Spring Insight and more.
Filip Hanik Discusses Tomcat and SpringSource's tc Server
In this interview SpringSource's Filip Hanik, a key participant in the company's Apache Tomcat initiatives, explores the reasons for Tomcat's continuing popularity, what tc Server provides on top of a base Tomcat installation, and future plans for both tc Server and Tomcat.
Christian Dupuis on SpringSource Tool Suite
Christian Dupuis, Principal Engineer with SpringSource, talks to Ryan Slobojan about SpringSource Tool Suite providing an overview of the tool and exploring key features including its Groovy, Grails and Roo support and Cloud Foundry integration. The interview also explores some of SpringSource's future plans for the product.