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Building Highly Modular and Testable Business Systems with Spring Integration
Marius Bogoevici discusses how to design Spring Integration applications in a modular fashion, by grouping together logically-related components into subsystems that interact with each other.
IoT Realized - The Connected Car
This session explores the power of Spring XD in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Building a Recommendation Engine with Spring and Hadoop
Michael Minella uses Spring XD and Spring Batch to orchestrate the full lifecycle of Hadoop processing and uses Apache Mahout to provide the audience with the recommendation processing.
Apps + Data + Cloud: What Does It All Mean?
Matt Stine presents how combine Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Reactor, Spring XD, Hadoop and run them in the cloud.
Creating Modular Test Driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Gunnar Hillert provides an overview of the current landscape and illustrate the choices the Spring XD team has made for its user interface.
Introduction to Spring for Apache Hadoop
Thomas Risberg introduces the Spring for Apache Hadoop project and discusses integration with Spring XD, batch jobs and external data sources.
Spring XD - A Guided Tour
The speakers explore the role of ZooKeeper, Spring Integration, and Spring Boot through beautiful panoramas, code samples, and demonstrations.
Implementing the Lambda Architecture with Spring XD
Carlos Queiroz introduces the lambda architecture and showcases how it can be implemented with SpringXD, GemFireXD and Hadoop in a CDR(Call Detail Record) mining application.
Spring XD for Real-time Hadoop Workload Analysis
The authors explain how the Pivotal team leveraged familiar SQL-based queries to analyze fine-grained cluster utilization using Spring XD.
Develop Powerful Big Data Applications Easily with Spring XD
The speakers show how to provide a scalable runtime environment, that is easily configured and assembled via a simple DSL.
SpringOne Technical Keynote 2
Day 2 technical keynote from SpringOne 2GX 2014. Topics include Spring Framework 4.1. Spring XD,Spring Cloud Components, and Reactor.