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  • Innovation Startups Modeling Agile Culture

    Innovation is not only about the most advanced technology; management and processes are the new era of startups' innovation. To mix the power of the data and the importance of people to offer business intelligence is a key point nowadays. The result is not only the most important thing; the way you do it is more important. To be agile is to adapt to today's market.

  • Successful Teams: How Leaders Build Their Tech Companies

    The first rule of success when starting a company is having a great team. This could be achieved by assuring both great leadership and a great hiring process. This could happen through following best recruitment practices, looking for employees with a can-do attitude, creating a unique company story, establishing a meaningful culture and enhancing a CEO’s skills.

  • Microservices from a Startup Perspective

    When starting a journey to microservices, knowing what to consider might be overwhelming. No golden rule that is easily applicable exists. Every journey is different, since every organization is facing different circumstances. In this article I am sharing some lessons learned and challenges from a startup perspective, and what I would do differently the next time introducing microservices.

  • Q&A on the Book Lost and Founder

    The book Lost and Founder contains startup stories from Rand Fishkin. In the book he describes the ups and downs from starting and managing a company, and shares the lessons that he learned. InfoQ interviewed him about being transparent, minimum viable products and pivoting, raising capital and funding a tech startup, and asked him what he would do differently when starting another company.

  • Advice on Starting Your Own Software Company

    No matter how great your idea is, there are a lot of down-to-earth things which should be considered and carefully planned if you want to found a software company and ensure its survival. Why didn't Youtube’s predecessor ever get the success of today’s favorite? Why did the right time save Airbnb? To come up with a good idea and make it actually work are two different things.

  • Q&A on the Book The Corporate Startup

    The book The Corporate Startup by Tendayi Viki, Dan Toma and Esther Gons explores what existing large corporations can do to establish an innovation ecosystem able to continually create new growth avenues. Instead of striving to be a startup, they should find their own way of innovating, use their assets, and learn how to create and use business models that support innovation.

  • Offshoring Agile When You Are a Startup

    Working with an offshore partner becomes faster and cheaper as communication technologies continue to improve. It is possible to achieve agility with an offshore team as long as you understand the limitations. Although some of the principles from the agile manifesto are difficult to reconcile with offshoring, they can still be used as guidance to work effectively together.

  • Culture May Eat Agile for Breakfast

    Making culture your priority during the scaling phase of your organization is a sound business decision. You have to invest by hiring for mindset and educating everyone joining the organization in agile principles to prevent turning an existing agile culture into a traditional one.

  • How Startups Get Software Built

    For most startups, technology is a critical differentiator—the bridge between a consumer’s pain puddle and a startup’s revenue stream. The software is the thing that gets the idea off the cocktail napkin and into the customer’s hand. How do startups do it right? Fail, pivot, fail, pivot, repeat forever (and do it all FAST).

  • What Do We Know about Software Development in Startups?

    In this article, authors discuss the software engineering practices in startup companies and provide empirical software engineering sources related to their engineering practices. They talk about the process management being agile, evolutionary, and opportunistic.