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Megan Cartwright on Building a Machine Learning MVP at an Early Stage Startup
In this podcast, Megan Cartwright discusses why their customers need a more personal experience and how they're using technology to help. She also talks about how the team got to an early MVP and then how they did the same for getting to an early machine learning MVP for product recommendations. Cartwright is the director of data science for the personalized bra company ThirdLove.
Jason Maude on Building a Modern Cloud-Based Banking Startup in Java
Wes Reisz talks with Jason Maude of Starling Bank. Starling Bank is a relatively new startup in the United Kingdom working in the banking sector. They discuss the architecture, technology choices, and design processes used at Starling. In addition, Maude goes into some of the realities of building in the cloud, working with regulators, and proven robustness with practices like chaos testing.
Great Products Need Closer Collaboration Between Product, Engineering and Design
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Maria Fernandez Guajardo about how product management has evolved, with the need for closer collaboration between product, engineering, and design, especially in the age of AI.
Founding and Growing an Engineering Company with Dr. Olga Kubassova
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Dr Olga Kubassova about founding and growing an engineering company in the medical imaging domain.
Shifting from Passenger to Driver Mindset
Shane Hastie spoke to Mingxi Wu, VP of Engineering for TigerGraph about their engineering culture, motivating engineers through empowerment and shifting from a passenger to a driver mindset.
Great Engineers are Always Learning – Lessons from a Unicorn Founder
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Idit Levine, founder of, who is on the shortlist of women-founded Unicorn status startups in the world.
Experiences in the Submarine Service and Tackling Big Issues Using Startup Weekend Events
In this podcast recorded in London, Shane Hastie, InfoQ Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Colart Miles about leading towards innovative cultures and running startup weekends.