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High Availability at Braintree
Paul Gross explains how Braintree deals with high availability for their Ruby application.
Sync is the Future of Mobile Data
Chris Anderson provides code samples on how to build offline applications for mobile platforms based on the NoSQL document model, and how to contribute to the open source projects behind this movement
The J Programming Language
Tracy Harms introduces the J Language and the patterns of thinking that make it possible.
Go Circuit: Distributing the Go Language and Runtime
Petar Maymounkov introduces Go Circuit, a system that reduces the human development and sustenance costs of complex massively-scaled systems nearly to the level of their single-process counterparts.
Qbrt Bytecode: Interface Between Code and Execution
Qbrt aspires to allow language designers to focus on the human interface of programming languages by abstracting the implementation of complex runtime features behind a clean,simple bytecode interface
zip Code: Unpacking Data Compression
Scott Vokes presents the algorithms at the heart of most compression tools, as well as how to design protocols and data formats to go with their flow.
Concurrency and Parallel Computing in JavaScript
Stephan Herhut overviews concurrency and parallelism in JavaScript and the HTML5, discussing actors, futures and what throughput computing in the browser looks like.
Daimio: a Language for Sharing
Dann Toliver introduces Daimio, a new language for sharing functionality in safe and friendly ways, exploring its internals and how to work with and extend it.
Make Your Mobile Apps Accessible to All
Heath Borders explains how to make iOS and Android apps accessible, and how to create an accessibility service for Android apps that do not have accessibility built in.
CQRS with Erlang
Bryan Hunter introduces CQRS and one of its implementations done in Erlang, outlining the areas where Erlang shines.
Dao Programming Language for Scripting and Computing
Limin Fu introduces Dao, a lightweight and optionally typed programming language having a LLVM-based JIT compiler optimized for numeric computation, and a Clang-based tool generating C/C++ bindings.
A Relational Exploration of the Chomsky Hierarchy
Friedman and Byrd explain how to encode deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, push-down automata, and Turing Machines in miniKanren, a DSL for relational (pure logic) programming.