InfoQ Homepage Strange Loop 2011 Content on InfoQ
The Kotlin Programming Language
Andrey Breslav introduces the upcoming Kotlin language created by JetBrains, a general purpose JVM-based language, statically typed, object-oriented, and meant to be more concise than Java.
Language Panel
Gerald Sussman, Rich Hickey, Allen Wirfs-Brock, Joe Pamer, Andrei Alexandrescu, and Jeremy Ashkenas, moderated by Dean Wampler answer questions from the audience on programming languages.
Product Engineering
Mike Lee discusses the many facets of product engineering: planning, implementing, testing, team, funding, marketing, customers, platform, market, and shipping, all from a non-technical perspective.
A Tale of Three Trees
Scott Chacon explains the internal mechanisms used by Git to do version control based on three trees –head, index, work–, and some of its commands, especially ‘reset’.
Core HTML5 Canvas: Mind-blowing Apps in Your Browser
David Geary introduces the HTML5 Canvas element API and functionality through demoes showing how one can draw and manipulate images and how to create sprite-based animations.
Running a Startup on Haskell
Bryan O'Sullivan presents a case study of a small startup that chose Haskell for its server-side code, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of using Haskell to quickly create a solid solution.
Easy as Pie? - Teaching Code Literacy
Sarah Allen talks on how to introduce children to the basics of programming, presenting a new related language called “Pie” along with lessons learned from creating a DSL in Ruby.
We Really Don't Know How To Compute!
Gerald Jay Sussman compares our computational skills with the genome, concluding that we are way behind in creating complex systems such as living organisms, and proposing a few areas of improvement.
Storm: Distributed and Fault-tolerant Real-time Computation
Nathan Marz explain Storm, a distributed fault-tolerant and real-time computational system currently used by Twitter to keep statistics on user clicks for every URL and domain.
Simple Made Easy
Rich Hickey emphasizes simplicity’s virtues over easiness’, showing that while many choose easiness they may end up with complexity, and the better way is to choose easiness along the simplicity path.