InfoQ Homepage Strange Loop 2012 Content on InfoQ
This is Your Workflow on Catnip
Bodil Stokke introduces the productivity benefits of Catnip, a text editor with REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) functionality integrated into the Clojure environment.
Go: Code that Grows with Grace
Andrew Gerrand introduces Go, demoing some of its main features through examples: a concurrent echo server, chat, channels, error handling, etc.
Humanity 2.0
Matt Taylor tries to depict humanity and its place and relationship with technological progress, where we came from and where we are heading to.
Real World Redis
David Czarnecki discusses several Redis data structures and their associated libraries used in real cases for building leaderboards, relationships and activity feeds.
Clojure + Datomic + Storm = Zolodeck
Amit Rathore describes the architecture of Zolodeck, a virtual relationship manager built on Clojure, Datomic, and Storm.
Visi: Cultured & Distributed
David Pollak discuss the strategic goals for Visi – a language for spreadsheets - and how this language and its environment can create cultural structures designed to grow its community.
Pontificating Quantification
Daniel Spiewak and Aaron Bedra take a look at code verifying starting with Tony Hoare’s paper on testing(1969), type theory, and language-integrated proof systems.
Elm: Making the Web Functional
Evan Czaplicki introduces Elm, a functional reacting programming language meant to replace HTML/CSS/JavaScript, optimized for creating web GUIs, supporting complex user input and avoiding callbacks.
Data Structures: The Code That Isn't There
Scott Vokes presents several less known data structures and their advantages: skiplists, difference lists, rolling hashes, and jumpropes.
Android App Anatomy
Eric Burke discusses: why building visual interfaces, design guidelines for Android apps, and an example.
Brian McKenna introduces Roy, a functional JavaScript variant implementing type inference, structural typing, sum types, meta-programming, whitespace-aware syntax, monads and pattern matching.
The Fragment Transition
Corey Leigh Latislaw discusses Android Fragments which enable scaling phone applications to tablets.