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QCon NY: Jonas Bonér on Designing Events-First Microservices
Events-first domain driven design (DDD) and event streaming are critical in developing a resilient and scalable microservices architecture. Jonas Bonér from LightBend engineering team spoke at QCon New York 2018 Conference last week about the events-first design.
Experiences from Building an Event-Sourced System with Kafka Streams
At the recent JEEConf conference in Kiev, Amitay Horwitz described how he and his team implemented an event-sourced invoice system, the challenges they experienced after running in production for 2 ½ years, and how they implemented a new design using Kafka Streams. The new design is still under assessment, but they do heavily use Kafka in production.
Distributed Messaging Framework Apache Pulsar 2.0 Supports Schema Registry and Topic Compaction
The latest version of open-source distributed pub-sub messaging framework Apache Pulsar enables companies to move “beyond batch” by acting on data in motion. Streamlio recently announced the availability of Apache Pulsar 2.0 streaming messaging solution. The new version supports Pulsar Functions, Schema Registry and Topic Compaction.
Microsoft Announces Azure Event Hubs for Kafka Ecosystems in Public Preview
During Build 2018, Microsoft announced it would support Kafka clients to integrate with Azure Event Hubs. The Microsoft engineering team responsible for Azure Event Hubs made a Kafka endpoint available for users of their service to stream event data into it.
eBay's Accelerator Data Processing Framework Provides Parallel Execution and Live Recommendations
eBay's Accelerator data processing framework provides parallel execution and automatic organization of source code, input data, and results. It can be used for data analysis, and algorithm development, as well as a live recommendation system.
Hazelcast Releases Jet 0.6 for Stream and Fast Batch Processing
Hazelcast, maker of distributing computing technologies and tools, have released a new major version (version 0.6) of Jet, their open-source streaming processing engine.
Spring Cloud Stream 2.0 Released with Focus on Performance, Flexibility and Consistency
Pivotal has announced the General Availability release of the Spring Cloud Stream 2.0. This release includes a complete revamp of content-type negotiation functionality (allowing user-defined message converters), polling consumers, micrometer metrics support, enhanced Apache Kafka Streams support, and more.
Retroactive and Future Events in an Event Sourced System
When Thomas Pierrain started a new project with an asset management company, one important requirement was the ability to go back in time to understand why they took decisions that today look strange. At the recent DDD Europe 2018 conference in Amsterdam, Pierrain discussed his experiences when building an event sourced system that included some temporal challenges.
Event Sourcing in an Unreliable World
Examples of event sourced systems are often from process-oriented domains, like e-commerce, with incoming commands that generate events. But there are domains without processes that are intrinsically unreliable where we are collecting events from external event sources with transports that are unreliable, Lorenzo Nicora explained at the recent Microservices Conference µCon London 2017.
Jonas Bonér on How Events Are Reshaping Modern Systems
Jonas Bonér talked about event driven services and how event driven architectures (EDA) and event stream processing (ESP) technologies are helping with designing the modern applications based on distributed systems. He spoke at the recent Reactive Summit 2017 Conference.
Apache Kafka Reaches 1.0
The Apache Software Foundation has announced Apache Kafka 1.0, adding an improved Streams API, enhanced metrics, improved tolerance for disk failures, general bug fixes, and more.
Confluent Releases KSQL, a Distributed Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
Confluent released KSQL: interactive, distributed streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka. KSQL supports stream processing operations like aggregations, joins, windowing, and sessionization on topics in Apache Kafka. Confluent announced the open source streaming SQL engine at the recent Kafka Summit conference.
Event Architectures and Event Streaming
When moving from a monolithic system to a distributed or microservices system, you commonly also move from a single source of truth in one database to many databases and thus many sources of truth. Using an event architecture and persisting all events as a stream can give back the single source of truth, Ben Stopford claims in one of a series of blog posts about events, event streams and Kafka.
Selecting an Event Architecture
When designing a distributed system, maybe based on microservices, and you are considering an event architecture, there are several models and technologies available. When choosing how to implement the architecture the non-functional requirements are a main factor, David Dawson claims when describing different styles of event architectures in a recent blog post.
Versioning of Events in Event Sourced Systems
A challenge with event sourced systems is that events put in the event store years ago must be readable today, even though the software has gone through numerous changes, Greg Young stated in his presentation at this year’s DDD eXchange conference. If a system can be taken down, versioning of events is relatively simple. The real challenge comes when a system can’t be taken down.