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Xcode 13 Extends Team Collaboration and Source Editing Features
Xcode 13 brings improved Git integration, support for GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab collaboration features, new editor capabilities, and Vim keybindings.
Swift 5.5 Brings Async/Await and Actor Support
At WWDC21, Apple has introduced Swift 5.5, available in beta. Among its new features, one of the most anticipated is better concurrency support using aysnc/await and actors.
OpenTelemetry Moves Python and Swift Tracing API/SDKs to 1.0
OpenTelemetry released version 1.0 of the Python and Swift distributed tracing API and SDK. They both include OpenTelemetry API support, SDKs, exporters to common telemetry formats, and getting started materials. The Python release is considered stable whereas the Swift release is still in beta.
Swift 5.4 Brings Support for Multiple Variadic Arguments, Result Builders, and More
Recently released Swift 5.4 brings support for multiple variadic parameters, extends implicit member syntax, adds support for local functions overloading, and more. Additionally, it improves runtime performance and binary size.
Ebay Open-Sources Package to Reduce Test Flakiness Using Swift and Xcode
Targeted Auto Retry is Ebay's approach to dealing with test flakiness that aims to make a continuous integration pipeline more resilient to flaky test steps. To make this approach straightforward to use, Ebay has open sourced a lightweight framework for the Swift language that can be used with Xcode unit testing framework.
Swift Collections Brings New Data Structures to Swift
Swift Collections is a new open-source package that aims to extend the choice of data structures available to Swift programmers beyond those provided in the standard library. In its initial version, it offers deques, ordered sets, and ordered dictionaries.
Swift Aims to Become a Data Race-Free Concurrent Language
The Swift team has published its roadmap to improve concurrency support in Swift. In a first phase, Swift will gain the async syntax and actors, while in a second phase focus will be on eliminating data races and deadlocks.
The Swift Team Open-Sources Swift Algorithms
Swift Algorithms is a new package including a number of sequence and collection algorithms that are going to fill a gap in Swift standard library, writes Apple engineer Nat Cook.
Swift Atomics Enables First-Class Atomic Operations in Swift
Swift Atomics aims to allow system programmers to write synchronization constructs directly in Swift.
Apple Open Sources System, Swift Library Interfacing with System-Level API
System is a low-level library Apple introduced at its last WWDC conference to provide an idiomatic and type-safe interface to system calls and currency types usually available at the OS level. In keeping with Apple's aim to push Swift as a cross-platform development ecosystem, System has been open-sourced to make it easier for programmers to contribute to its further development across platforms.
Google Engineer Tailors Swift for Windows
The vision for Swift to become a cross-platform programming language has moved one step further with the introduction of a Swift toolchain for Windows 10. Early adopters can now use Swift to create Windows 10 programs that interoperate through the C ABI with existing libraries available on the platform.
Swift 5.3 Brings New Language Features, Better Developer Experience, and Improved Performance
Swift 5.3, which has recently become available with Xcode 12, includes a number of significant new features at the syntax level, including support for multi-pattern catch clauses, increased availability for implicit self, and more. Additionally, the Swift team has worked on improving runtime performance, especially when using SwiftUI, and developer experience.
Swift 5.3 Will Expand Officially Supported Platforms to Windows and Additional Linux Distributions
Swift 5.3 has recently entered the final stage of its development with the creation of the release/5.3 branch. One of the major goals for the upcoming Swift release is extending official platform support, including additional Linux distributions and Windows.
How Uber Deals with Unreachable Code Associated to Feature Flags in its Mobile Apps
Piranha is a newly open-sourced tool by Uber that can be used to remove stale code in mobile apps written in Java, Objective-C, or Swift for Android and iOS. The tool was born with the aim to pay technical debt ensuing from the process of implementing and eventually removing feature flags, says Uber.
Developer Surveys Survey: Including a Spotlight on Java Results
JRebel and Snyk have recently published their Java/JVM technology reports, and Codingame and Tiobe have published reports into language usage and adoption. InfoQ looks at the state of play of these reports, and what is happening in the Java and wider ecosystems today.