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Swift 4.2 Hits the Road
One year after the release of Swift 4, Swift 4.2 is now official. It brings a number of improvements to the language and the standard library, including better generics, Hashable protocol, and random number generation. Additionally, writes Swift maintainer Ted Kremenek, Swift 4 delivers faster compile times and improves the debugging experience.
Swift 4.1 Enhances Generics, Compiler Optimizations, and Package Manager
Swift 4.1 is now officially available, bringing new language features, build options, and a few enhancements to the Swift Package Manager and Foundation.
Swift 4.2 Enters Final Development Stage, Paving the Way for Swift 5
With Swift 4.1 being close to its official release in Xcode 9.3, currently available in beta, the Swift team is now focusing on the next version of the language, Swift 4.2. Besides including bug fixes and improvements to compile-time performance, the new version will further advance work on ABI stability.
Apple Open Source SwiftNIO, a Low-Level Non-Blocking I/O Framework for Swift
At the recent try! Swift Conference in Tokyo, Apple announced the SwiftNIO project, a Netty-like non-blocking cross-platform I/O framework written in Swift.
Swift 4.1 Brings Conditional Conformance and More
Swift 4.1, available in Xcode 9.3, brings a number of improvements to the language, including automatic implementation of the Equatable and Hashable protocols, conditional conformance, and more.
Swift Has Got Its Discussion Forum
The Swift team has announced the migration of several Swift mailing lists to the Swift Forums, which will be the primary discussion and communication method from now on.
Swift 4 is Officially Available: What's New
Swift’s latest major release contains many changes and updates to the language and the standard library, most notably new String features, extended collections, archival and serialization, and more.
Swift 5 Sets its Goals, Defines New Evolution Process
Expected to be released in late 2018, Swift 5 will bring ABI stability and further work on API resilience and memory ownership. A new evolution process will help ensure Swift 5 development keeps its focus on its planned goals.
Apple Open-Sources the Swift Language Migrator
Apple has open-sourced the Swift 4 migrator that is included in Xcode 9, recently announced at WWDC 2017.
Sonatype Acquires Vor Security to Expand Nexus Open-Source Component Support
Sonatype announced the acquisition of Vor Security to extend their open-source component intelligence solutions’ coverage to include Ruby, PHP, CocoaPods, Swift, Golang, C, and C++.
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference 2017: Day Two Recap
Day Two of the 12th annual Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference was held in Philadelphia. This two-day event included keynotes by Blair MacIntyre (augmented reality pioneer) and Scott Hanselman (podcaster), and featured speakers Kyle Daigle (engineering manager at GitHub), Holden Karau (principal software engineer at IBM), and Karen Kinnear (JVM technical lead at Oracle).
Swift 3.1 Improves Language, Package Manager, and Linux Implementation
Staying true to its plan, the recently announced Swift 3.1 is source compatible with Swift 3.0. Still, it includes a number of changes to the language, the standard library, and improved Linux implementation.
Swift Memory Ownership Manifesto
According to Chris Lattner, Swift creator and Swift team lead before moving to Tesla, defining a Rust/Cyclone-inspired memory ownership model is one of the main goals for Swift development. Now that Swift 4 has entered its phase 2, the Swift team has published a manifesto detailing how Swift memory ownership could work.
Swift 4 Enters Final Stage, Defers ABI Stability
Apple has detailed the release process for Swift 4, which should become available in the Fall of 2017. The main focus of this release is to provide significant enhancements to the core language and standard library, while delivering source compatibility. ABI compatibility, which was originally in the roadmap, will be deferred, explains Apples' new Swift team lead Ted Kremenek.
Swift 3.1 Enters its Final Development Stage
Apple’s Swift team has made public their release plan for Swift 3.1, expected to be available in the Spring of 2017 and source-compatible with Swift 3.0, writes Apple’s language and runtimes manager Ted Kremenek.