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Terraform 1.9 Released with Enhanced Input Validation and New String Template Function
HashiCorp has announced the general availability of Terraform 1.9, introducing several new features and improvements to enhance developer productivity and code reliability. This version of the infrastructure-as-code tool is now available for download and use in HCP Terraform.
Critical Vulnerability in VM2 Sandbox Found Affecting Spotify Portal Platform Backstage
Spotify Backstage, an open-source platform used to build developer portals and in use at a number of large companies, has been found vulnerable to a critical remote code execution vulnerability. Confirming that most vulnerabilities are found in indirect dependencies, the Backstage vulnerability is enabled by another vulnerability found in its JavaScript VM2 sandbox dependency.
Rails 4.1 Improves Boot Time and Responsive Layouts
Rails 4.1 can now preload your application to improve startup time and comes with improvements for Action Pack, Active Record, and Action Mailer.
Community-Driven Research: Real World Ruby on Rails Usage RFP
As part of InfoQ's ongoing Community Driven Research project, we want to find out how developers are using Ruby on Rails in practice. In this first step, we want to know what you use so that we can collect suggestions for the voting.
Thymeleaf 2.0: Performance, th:switch, Line Numbers, Template Fragments, New DOM API
Thymeleaf is a XML/HTML template engine for Java, whose main goal is to provide a well-formed way of creating templates. Thymeleaf 2.0 includes a lot of new features, including improvements for developers who create Thymeleaf extensions. Here's a quick run down of what's new.
Safe User-Generated Templates for Ruby and .NET
Unlike other templating engines that focus on given as much power as possible to the user, Liquid is designed to restrict what the user can do. The goal is to allow end-users to create their own templates without jeopardizing the security of the server. Originally created for Ruby, Liquid is now available for .NET as well.
Thymeleaf: XML/HTML Template Engine for Java
Thymeleaf is an XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine that works for web and non-web applications. It's an open source Java library distributed under Apache License 2.0. Thymeleaf is a replacement for JSP and other template engines like Velocity and FreeMarker. It comes in two versions, the Standard dialect and the SpringStandard (Spring MVC 3) dialect.
Microsoft Gets More Involved with jQuery
Microsoft has reconfirmed their commitment to help with jQuery development and will start by adding support for templating and is allocating resources including full time developers. John Resig, JQuery creator, declared that jQuery will remained an independent open source project and will not be moved to CodePlex.
Using T4 in ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET MVC is using T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) to generate the code behind the scenes when a Controller or a View is added to a project. T4 is a fully customizable text generator based on templates.
Rails Mockup Driven Development with Lilu
There was a debate 2 years ago about Rails and its lack of a built in templating language, and whether one should be introduced. Today there are more than 5 templating systems: ERB, HAML, Liquid, Amrita2. All of them however mix Ruby or Ruby derivatives with HTML. Lilu aims at completely decoupling static HTML and Ruby code.
HAML: The Beauty of Efficiency
The creator of HAML, an alternative templating language for Rails, feels that 20 minutes is all you’ll need to fall in love with its simplicity. However, a blogger named Grigsby disagrees, claiming that 2 minutes is all it takes. InfoQ investigates.